Elvis is a roo right?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
I've never heard her crow, never seen him try to have his ways with the girls, he's very afraid/submissive of all the others in the coop.

you can see his streamers if your first pic it a BOY

Hmm, I want Elvis to mate. I'd love some silkie crosses.

and just an FYI the silkie fearthering is resesive trait F1 crosses will all be smooth feathered most will have crest and feathered feet almost all would have black skin
If you would like Elvis to mate you might try placing him separately with a sweet natured hen who is a lower on the pecking order. The roosters (and maybe some hens) higher up on the pecking order may discourage Elvis from even attempting to mate.
If you would like Elvis to mate you might try placing him separately with a sweet natured hen who is a lower on the pecking order. The roosters (and maybe some hens) higher up on the pecking order may discourage Elvis from even attempting to mate.

LOL both roos are the lowest in the pecking order. Is it normal for a roo to follow another roo around? Johnny Cash and Elivs are BFFs

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