Embryos dead within 10 days of incubation

Dec 24, 2017
Dear all,

I have problem I need your thoughts and suggestions about; I am having my 2nd breeding season with my Light Pekin pen after their first adult moulting.

From their first batch I only got 1 cockerel, which is no where near enough to have good selection of next generation parent stock. First eggs were not fertile as my rooster didn't seem to know what to do, but at the end of first season he managed to fertilized more than a dozen eggs.

He seems to know what to do now as I got fertile eggs from the beginning of the season. Unfortunately some of the eggs stop growing before 10 days, I have discarded 4 eggs that stopped growing some time between 3 - 10 days of incubation.

Have I not put eggs from my blue Pekin pen in the same incubator; I would think that something is wrong with my incubator set up - but I had great result with the blue Pekin eggs last season, and their eggs are doing fine this season. So I assume there could be something wrong with my light Pekin pen.

Any thoughts and advice will be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much.

Zissura Akadata S
How old are your breeders?
Include a picture of your incubation setup.
What are you feeding your breeders? How is your temp and humidity?

they are around 15 months, yes I would love to wait till they are more mature, but I live in Indonesia and to find replacement if anything wrong happen to them is not at all easy, so I have to start early.

I don't think it has anything to do with incubator set up as my previous blue pekin eggs hatched just fine, and new blue pekin eggs are growing nicely...
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Sounds like a nutritional issue, what are you feeding including treats and supplements?

My favorite hatching resource...

Hatch analysis starts around page 52.

Another hatchability sheet, not thorough like my first link but still good info...

Happy hatching! :fl:jumpy:jumpy

I feed them chicken formula for boiler chicken, oyster shell grit available daily, give them mashed boiled eggs or fried fish once a week, as well as some supplements added to their water.

Again, my blue Pekins eat same diet and their eggs hatch just fine?
Again, my blue Pekins eat same diet and their eggs hatch just fine?
Some individuals may not be processing the nutrients the same. :confused: For instance if anyone had an episode of coccidiosis when they were young it could have caused some intestinal necrosis that isn't bad enough for major problems but can present subtly. All my birds eat the same diet as well... but they don't all have the same immune systems or genetics. They won't all carry the same parasite load even under the same exact conditions and on the same pasture.

15 months is a good age actually. If they are just coming out of molt, that may be impacting things.

Maybe too much inbreeding in the light pekin before you even got the stock? Just brainstorming ideas here.

Did you get to look at that document? Looks like page 51 is where they discuss quitters during your time frame.

Sounds like you are fairly intelligent. :highfive: Hope you can get this figured out. :fl :jumpy:jumpy
Did you get to look at that document? Looks like page 51 is where they discuss quitters during your time frame.

Sounds like you are fairly intelligent. :highfive: Hope you can get this figured out. :fl :jumpy:jumpy

i have read page 51 and those micronutrients are contained in their suplement. To be honest I have been wondering if they are results of too much inbreeding because they were imported as eggs. I was actually thinking about crossing with my blue pen, then breed back in. I will have to wait though, since I have just separated the blue hens and rooster last Saturday.

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