Emergency! Cookie Recipe needed!

my mom makes these cherio traets that are really good serriously

heres the recipie.

1 cup of sugar
1 cup of karo corn surup
5 cups of cherrios
2 cups of peanut butter
thats it

ready all ingreadents

spread out a sheet of wax paper

you have to boil sugar + surup in a large pan
bring it to a rolling boil

The quickly stirr the peanut butter in till smoth and the spoon fulls at a time add the cherrio's.

Quickly use spoon to make cookie sized drops on wax paper

let cool


these are really easy and if they dont turn out you can still eat them!!!

they sound good my mom tough me how to bake every thing from molasses cookies ( my favorite) to my great grandmas homemade bread! i get to carry on that legacy!!!

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