Emergency Dying Lethargic Duckling, Need Help


May 21, 2024
Hi all— I’ve been referencing this form a lot for my newly hatched ducklings, but I haven’t found a definitive answer on this.

I have five, five day old ducklings, and this morning, woke to one not standing like the rest. I immediately tried to make some diy sugar solution and also mashed some peas to try and get the duckling to eat and drink, but it won’t. It had some issues falling over and rolling onto it’s back— and now it is flipped over onto its side on the heating pad, and doesn’t seem to have the strength to hold its head up.

I’m worried death is pretty close for this one, but if it isn’t— what can I do? What should I do to prevent this with the rest? What’s wrong?

I’ve been feeding Manna Pro Duckling Starter
… Yes, sadly, he just died. What can I do for the others?

The only physical sign other than total weakness I noticed was that there was some stuck poop on the cloaca area, which I tried to clean off before.

They were all totally normal yesterday, I don’t know what happened.
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I never give mine anything but Duckling starter. They have to have grit if you do. I have bought Poultry Booster for mine when it had issues as a duckling as it has extra vitamins and niacin in it to make them stronger. I pray that the rest of yours are alright. Where did you get them from and what type of bedding are you using?
I never give mine anything but Duckling starter. They have to have grit if you do. I have bought Poultry Booster for mine when it had issues as a duckling as it has extra vitamins and niacin in it to make them stronger. I pray that the rest of yours are alright. Where did you get them from and what type of bedding are you using?
I got my Poultry Booster from TSC. Were these shipped ducklings and what type are they.

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