*Emergency* *large* stinking* wound* PLEASE HELP!! Gave Her a Bath

You need to clean out the maggots (pick them out by hand or flush them out or apply something to kill them - Doormantnt had some good suggestions) and then deal with any infection present (antibiotics - neosporin salve or an injectable antibiotic like PenG or some in the water) - I suspect a topical directly on the wound or an injectable would be best for such a large wound. Good luck!
Um, no, that is something that is often misunderstood on here. It's a bit of a long explanation, but here goes.

What is toxic to chickens is the "caine" group of drugs, used to numb. Includes drugs like, cetacaine, lidocaine, benzocaine -- you get the idea, there are a bunch of them and they all end in "caine." The problem with these drugs in chickens is that the therapeutic dose is very close to the toxic dose. Chickens have actually died from using an ointment with one of them in it. "Caine" drugs are also used in some wound cleansers and in OraGel for toothaches, so it's good to know about this.

The pain reliever in the brand name Neosporin, and the generics I've seen, is a completely different class of drugs, remotely related to morphine or opium. It didn't bother my chickens a bit.

And I agree, the main thing is to get the maggots out and prevent flies from laying any more eggs in there. Simple first aid, clean it and use something like Neosporin, should do the trick then.
Good to know.

I'll have to read the package at store next time. I just avoided it like the plague when I saw the pain reliver added, didn't look to see what it actually was.

Thanks for info.

What happened to your hen to cause the wound? My rooster was attacked by dog and I am dealing with a large wound as well. I had to give him a shot of pennicillan. I got some really good advice on here. We also put anit biotics in his water. You can get both a Tractor Supply Co.

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