!emergency! Lockdown day 16 or 17? (Chicken eggs)

Hello everyone,
I noticed that the egg has been wiggling around all day (it's day 15, almost day 16) I'm considering starting lockdown on day 16 or day 17 now, but I don't know. It's my first time hatching eggs too. The egg that is wiggling a lot is a bielefelder barred rock/ or buff orpington mix. Any suggestions? I really need help from someone who knows a lot about incubation,
Let us know on day 21 how many hatch, including the wiggler.
Let us know on day 21 how many hatch, including the wiggler.
I originally had two, one didn't make it so now it's just the one egg. It's day 17 today, would it be all right to candle it? Tomorrow i'll raise the humidity to 65% (it's 50% as of right now) I will definitely update soon!
It is common to see some eggs rock n roll at this stage of developement. Their getting in position to hatch. I take it as a good
No, I would keep it out. Sorry I did not see your post until now.😊
I know it is hard not to worry. It may or may not still be viable, you did not do anything wrong.:hugs
It's fine! I apologize for my nerves 😂 I'm sensitive to every little thing. But Thank you very much for the support ! 😊
The wiggling will be the chick getting itself into position, so I believe, then it has to absorb all of the yolk, so is likely to be less active. I wouldn’t worry to much, it’s all part of the process. Your anxiety will still go through the roof 😂 it’s natural! Also, when your chicks hatch, your humidity will rise, which is completely normal. On my first incubation, my chick hatched and humidity went up to 80 😅 luckily I had BYC to tell me it was completely normal! Good luck with your hatch.
Ohh, I see! That makes a lot of sense. I tend to just sit there and stare at it without realizing and then panic when it's as still as still can be 😅 thank you so much for the info! It really means a lot 😊 At least it's almost over and soon we'll see how it went. Also, should I raise the humidity to 65% on day 18 , or when the chick starts pipping? Thanks so much again! 🙂
Ohh, I see! That makes a lot of sense. I tend to just sit there and stare at it without realizing and then panic when it's as still as still can be 😅 thank you so much for the info! It really means a lot 😊 At least it's almost over and soon we'll see how it went. Also, should I raise the humidity to 65% on day 18 , or when the chick starts pipping? Thanks so much again! 🙂
Raise it to 65% on day 18, I normally don’t worry if it’s between 60-65%
I get it, I still sit and stare, then stare again in case my eyes are deceiving me! 😂 aww good luck with you hatch and keep us posted :jumpy ps, the best advice I got whilst hatching was…sit on your hands, Mother Nature will take care of it.
I originally had two, one didn't make it so now it's just the one egg. It's day 17 today, would it be all right to candle it? Tomorrow i'll raise the humidity to 65% (it's 50% as of right now) I will definitely update soon!
So that will be the only chick if it hatches? I suggest you get at least one other somehow as they are flock creatures. And do much better in numbers rather than all alone. You can raise them alone just much easier and better for them to have company.
Raise it to 65% on day 18, I normally don’t worry if it’s between 60-65%
I get it, I still sit and stare, then stare again in case my eyes are deceiving me! 😂 aww good luck with you hatch and keep us posted :jumpy ps, the best advice I got whilst hatching was…sit on your hands, Mother Nature will take care of it.
Okay, that's what I will do. 😊I just candled the egg now, and the air cell got bigger .. but i'm not sure if it looks right.. today is day 18, and thanks so much! Hopefully everything works out :fl


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