
In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I just let my small flock of hens out, and noticed that my 1 yr old new hampshire red, Piper, pooped blood. I was not sure if it was blood at first, so i looked in the inside part of their coop, and there is blood and poop mixed together all over! She seems a bit lethargic, and is not eating. She is drinking lots of water, though. She has been very healthy up to this point, and I'm very worried about her! Please help! I'm new to chicken sickness, and don't know what to do. This is also the first cold morning in a long time, could that have something to do with it? She was fine yesterday, i just don't know whats going on. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated! thank you!
this is a picture of her from last week
It also could be worms. If they get bad enough, they can poop pure blood. I almost lost a bird treating it for coccidia when the problem was worms. Do the coccida route first, but if you don't see improvement in a couple of days, you may want to switch to a wormer.
I have a small group of laying chickens, I went out to the coop this morning and I found that my one broody hen who was the only chicken to even try to hatch out eggs this year, was dead and her one chick who is just shy of 4 weeks old was Ok next to her dead body. After inspecting, we found that she had blood coming out of her vent and her chick had a little bit of blood in his poop. The hen was pale after she sat on her eggs and her color of her comb never went back to normal. It turned orange. Could this be coccidiosis? I never saw if her poop was bloody, but it was next to her body. and what is the treatment for this chick. These are my pets, not just chickens and I am heartbroken that this chicken died. Please be specific with the treatment. I have wrote to you before and your advise was right on. Thank you!
I just let my small flock of hens out, and noticed that my 1 yr old new hampshire red, Piper, pooped blood. I was not sure if it was blood at first, so i looked in the inside part of their coop, and there is blood and poop mixed together all over! She seems a bit lethargic, and is not eating. She is drinking lots of water, though. She has been very healthy up to this point, and I'm very worried about her! Please help! I'm new to chicken sickness, and don't know what to do. This is also the first cold morning in a long time, could that have something to do with it? She was fine yesterday, i just don't know whats going on. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated! thank you!

Sorry to hear about you hen... That amount of blood loss is a major concern, as is drinking lots of water. When I've had those two symptoms together, it was with turkeys that had histomoniasis and death usually followed in 48 hours or less. Can you take her to a vet? At the very least I would deworm her and treat her with Corid for coccidiosis.

If she doesn't make it, would you consider sending her to your state lab for a necropsy? Maryland does them for free.

I hope she makes it.

what is coccidiosis, and how do you treat it? Please be specific! Thank you all so much for your help. My hens are my pets, and I love them all very much. I will be extremely sad if she dies. We do know of one vet about an hour away who treats chickens, but do you think it is worth it? money is slim, but we want to do all we possibly can for Piper. What are the symptoms for worms, and how can I treat it? Sorry for the barrage of questions, but we don't know what to do. Thanks!
You can get liquid chicken wormer at most feed stores, just add to the drinking water per instructions on the bottle.
Thank you for the help! All 5 of my hens drink out of the same bucket, so if I put in the dewormer will it hurt the other hens who might not have worms. And if she ends up not having worms, and I give her the meds could it hurt her? Where can I get medicine for coccidiosis? thanks

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