EMERGENCY!! Prolapsed penis on drake I'm showing - I need a VERY quick fix

my drake not only has a penis prolapse but his whole vent?? Cloaclag??? Anyway I have very graphic pictures on my page.. his was severe and took 4 to 6 weeks to fix.
This is what I did... Soaked him for about an hour once or twice a day warm water with epsom salt. the first several days I applied preparation H... after that I applied only antibiotic ointment.
He also had another issue down there some big yellow thing / Growth?? Dead tissue??? that I removed daily, which you do not have to deal with)
I was at the point of trying to stitch him when I read an article about using orajel to numb the area so they dont push things right back out as was my problem.
I would tuck everything back in and he would push it out.
after i used the orajel the 2nd time everything stayed back in.
put it on wait a few minutes turn him over. tuck everything back in and wait a few minutes.
I was debating if I would have to cut part of his penis off as well as it looked black as you can see by his pictures but that eventually was ok so I did not have to do that but there are many articles suggesting amputating the dead part.

Thanks! This sounds very similar to the treatment I use for blowouts in chickens, but I've never tried the Orajel before. What kind should I use? Ones for infants, severe, maximum, any particular kind?

I usually separate my chickens with prolapsed vent; is that necessary for him? They are not picking at it, so I don't see a problem as of now.

Should I allow him to still swim? I always keep the pool water very clean, so its not dirty or unsanitary, but will that be harmful?

I checked on the pictures you mentioned. Mine doesn't look nearly as bad, it just a cork-screw pink penis hanging out, no discharge or anything. He keeps trying to retract it, I can tell, and is moving slowly. I'll post pictures later on if I get the time.
Thanks! This sounds very similar to the treatment I use for blowouts in chickens, but I've never tried the Orajel before. What kind should I use? Ones for infants, severe, maximum, any particular kind?

I usually separate my chickens with prolapsed vent; is that necessary for him? They are not picking at it, so I don't see a problem as of now.

Should I allow him to still swim? I always keep the pool water very clean, so its not dirty or unsanitary, but will that be harmful?

I checked on the pictures you mentioned. Mine doesn't look nearly as bad, it just a cork-screw pink penis hanging out, no discharge or anything. He keeps trying to retract it, I can tell, and is moving slowly. I'll post pictures later on if I get the time.
i used maximum strength.... also have you been using the preparation H?
It's been my experience that Ravyn generally does give good advice; I'd trust her.
I was not going to comment, but I just have too.....
A penis is a penis and it will not fall off, and no! Do not cut it off...Yikes!..:oops:
Cold compress and Prep-H a little Vaseline on your finger and push it back in.....:frow
if it is pink as I think you said. . that doesn't sound like something that is withered. I would not cut it off.

I tried to refrain too, but so much bad information, I just had to emphasize the ridiculousness of a yearly fall-off. Extreme cases of common prolapse may have surgical possibilities, but naturally? No.
I've even seen articles circulating the internet about ducks being able to undergo partial sex changes when their isn't a drake. . . :lau
I've found several articles on ducks losing their penises each year and then regrowing them, so I can't imagine its completely false. Perhaps it only applies to wild, not domesticated ducks.
I've seen stuff on the net about it too. . But I would trust these people here hands down with my birds over anything I read on the internet.
Best of luck I hope the idea posted here help a lot and you get your drake back to normal soon!:)
I've seen stuff on the net about it too. . But I would trust these people here hands down with my birds over anything I read on the internet.
I understand your meaning, but, your comment made me laugh. Seeing as you posted that on the internet...

But yes, duck penises falling off would be just weird...
It's been my experience that Ravyn generally does give good advice; I'd trust her.

Thank you, Whites... :hugs
Nothing like having a few hundred ducks to give some hands on experience, eh?

I've found several articles on ducks losing their penises each year and then regrowing them, so I can't imagine its completely false. Perhaps it only applies to wild, not domesticated ducks.

Yes, @Pyxis found the articles about that and showed them to me... unfortunately, the authors of those blogs were not interested in actual facts, but in making fun of and trying to discredit actual facts from a proven scientific study... they have no basis in facts, just speculations meant to make the actual research of one scientist sound far fetched as well... best to check the sources of articles before believing them...

I have read this many times as well

Anyone can write up articles and put them out there... there's no substitute for hands on experience though...

I can tell you this, I have many, many ducks... and many, many drakes... I sure haven't had to run around their pens picking up discarded appendages every fall like dried corncobs... and if I did, I wouldn't be overrun with ducklings every spring... just my 2 cents...
Thank you, Whites... :hugs
Nothing like having a few hundred ducks to give some hands on experience, eh?

Yes, @Pyxis found the articles about that and showed them to me... unfortunately, the authors of those blogs were not interested in actual facts, but in making fun of and trying to discredit actual facts from a proven scientific study... they have no basis in facts, just speculations meant to make the actual research of one scientist sound far fetched as well... best to check the sources of articles before believing them...

Anyone can write up articles and put them out there... there's no substitute for hands on experience though...

I can tell you this, I have many, many ducks... and many, many drakes... I sure haven't had to run around their pens picking up discarded appendages every fall like dried corncobs... and if I did, I wouldn't be overrun with ducklings every spring... just my 2 cents...

:goodpost: I'm sure glad none of us duck owners have to go along collecting worn out willies every year!!
I'm so behind on ducks *facepalm*


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