EMERGENCY!! Prolapsed penis on drake I'm showing - I need a VERY quick fix

:goodpost: I'm sure glad none of us duck owners have to go along collecting worn out willies every year!!
Laughed so hard I fell outa my chair and got the hiccups. A big "thank you" to everyone involved
Now I think about it, if any animal COULD wear a penis out to the point of dropping off, it WOULD be a drake!
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Now I have images of you on all 4's, crawling around in your yard :lau

How ya been?

I'm good too, just way to busy to enjoy much BYC time these days. Never thought I'd say it, but i hatched wayyy too many chicks. :D

Hangin' in there, putting one foot in front of the other.

Excellent. So the ticker is still tick-tocking ok?

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