Emergncy! :: Hen Flaky Crusty White Comb, Scabs on face.

So her comb looks a bit better, however areas are starting to turn dark, almost like they are scabbing. I'm thinking maybe this is the cream healing the fungus? Can anyone chime in on how the comb looks as it's healing with Miconazole?
Does anyone know if the comb should be changing colors with Miconazole treatment? It seems like it got darker in areas. I dont know if thats part of the healing process.
Also if someone knows, can I continue to treat until it looks better or should i stop at some point. I've been applying once a day, mainly when it gets dark outside so that she doesnt get dirt on her comb.
Thanks Dawg53, is the blackness in areas normal? Does it scab or anything before it returns to normal color?

Also when you say a while, could that mean longer than a few weeks?
It depends how bad the fungal infection is. It can take several months for the comb to heal because favus is layered on the comb/skin. I had one hen get favus in my previous flock and I caught it early but it still took 5 weeks to heal back to normal. That's all I know about it.

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