Emotional duck?

Ahh gotcha, I have a pond I've hand dug for my ducks too. Started pretty small but my ducks always liked going in. It's about 150 sq ft and 4' deep at this point, but even when it was smaller it still took quite a bit of work. I've easily spent 100+ hours of physical labor working the pond over the last year, and it still isn't exactly where I'd like it. Definitely worthwhile imo but that route is a lot of work too.

A lot of people who can't or don't want to dig get kiddie pools for their ducks. Even with a pond I still have a few that get constantly used. Might be worth trying to find one if you could fit it in their pen.

Do you feed them treats much? Tossing some of their favorites in the pond and pen area might encourage them to swim, forage, and just generally relax and be more comfortable outside.
Yes i give them treats everyday, Buddy's fav atm are seeds which i used to put in the pond but he wouldnt go in and would instead stand at the edge and eat them... i put seeds on the ground also but they dont seem to bother with them and instead eat plants till like i said they get bored.
Yes i give them treats everyday, Buddy's fav atm are seeds which i used to put in the pond but he wouldnt go in and would instead stand at the edge and eat them... i put seeds on the ground also but they dont seem to bother with them and instead eat plants till like i said they get bored.

I really couldn't say why he doesn't like the pond as is. Buddy might enjoy a sprinkler if you have one, or there's nozzles you can get for a hose that have shower settings. If you could set-up the hose to rain/shower down on the pond when it's filling that might help him get used to it.
I really couldn't say why he doesn't like the pond as is. Buddy might enjoy a sprinkler if you have one, or there's nozzles you can get for a hose that have shower settings. If you could set-up the hose to rain/shower down on the pond when it's filling that might help him get used to it.
Ill defently give that a try, when me and brother were using the hose to clean something he ended up making it sprinkle everywhere over the ducks and they seemed to have thought it was rain and just stood in it but for some reason i didnt really full acknowledge that they probably liked it so ill try and see if they do! cant try at the moment though but i bet he will like it. (One of my ducks are injured so im not brining them out as much as i normally do)
Awe, I love them. Is he a male for sure? I only ask because I can’t see a tail curl in the photos? I’ve never heard of the pinning down thing but it seems interesting. Like you, I’ve got 2 “Babies” Literally. They come by “Babies.” They know their individual names also. They sleep inside at night, always have, in a tote next to my bed, probably always will. I keep it very clean and they love their routine. As far as them being emotional, you are not alone. I hatched mine and are extreamly imprinted. Mine, I call, “scream” for me. They follow me around everywhere and they do take showers also but they have a pool too. I made them a big enclosure out of pallets and chicken wire, super sturdy and they’re got bird netting above. (They have my little quail guys in there also they are stare up at too) One thing I did that helped them with AND myself with the attachment issue is that I put up a camera. I can talk to them through the camera from my phone. I believe it makes them feel better when they get anxious and I can check up on them if I have to work late. So maybe consider that? There’s a lot of different ones you can get off Amazon.
The boys did the same thing with my door so just so you know, you’re not alone! My boys are very special to me also.
He does have curl in his tail not sure why you cant see it in the image though... He is 11 months old and 0 eggs plus he has a very much male voice, its adorable. Also ill for sure be trying out a camera, my anxiety about them being alone is really bad at the monent as one of my ducks injured himself and now is limping so id love to keep a watch of them.
What a gorgeous boy! One of my ducks used to be very rough, she'd bite too hard, not aggressively, just curiously. I'd cup my hand loosely around her bill and say "calllm" or "gentle" and she'd move away, or calm down. Over time this actually worked, it's almost like she needed a reminder.
If the word "no" upsets him so much, try another word and action and be very slow and calm. What is it that he does which requires him being told off? Is it aggression or just other behaviours?

Just keep in mind that ducks aren't much like dogs, in that they won't understand the same way. The best way to teach them things is by repetition and actions. For example, gently but firmly pushing him away if he's hurting you until he understands he needs to be gentle to get what he wants.
I normally just say "bad buddy" "no buddy" i never be aggressive with my words or anything, i do my best to stay calm. I nornally have to tell him off for biting to aggressive which somtimes is playful but can also sometimes be him wanting to mate as i have no females just two males. He also gets jelly of his brother and tells him off (biting his neck) for giving me gentle nibbles which upsets me as I want to give attention to both of my boys. I dont want him to fully stop biting as i do love the gentle nibbles, it just gets out of hand sometimes. I tried to hold his beak (gentle) but he just got confused and then pulled his beak away but i can try again and see how he reacts.

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