Emotions Tied to Culling

Going to revive this rather dead thread due to some frustrations I am feeling on this topic.

I recently hatched 12 silkies out and having been raising them, absolutely loving my time with them. However, we are not able to keep cocks so once they start crowing they got to be going. To make the story as short as possible, I tried getting rid of them for free and no one wanted them, two people responded to me asking me if I'd take theirs from them lol.

2 weeks ago, I killed two of the biggest males who'd been crowing for a couple of weeks, they were actually my two favourites and I really wanted to see them go elsewhere.. today I did two more males, they started crowing last weekend. I killed all four birds using the broomstick method and skinned them for just their legs and breasts as they're quite small birds anyway.

I work with all women in childcare, it's a team of eight of us and they all know my hobbies with birds and my poultry/quails. They are really quite judgemental about the whole thing and constantly say to me, "how can you love birds and do that?" I explain that with the chickens, I do love them, I do not want to kill them but there are no other options. With the quail, I raise them for meat and ensure they have a good diet and great life.

They'll make plenty of jokes such as, "do you say, 'oh thanks Barry you were so tasty'?" Which would be funny if it wasn't for their distorted beliefs. It's started getting to me (going thru a lot outside of work ATM so it's adding up) and I just want to find something to say that'll shut them up. I'm happy with what I do and I will not change what I do, I only told them as they asked about it and I try to be as honest as I can.

Would love to hear any of your experiences
Like what someone else already said, what you're doing is heaps more ethical than where those people likely source their meat. They have no right to speak or judge you

If I'm ever able to get over myself, learn how to fish, or maybe somehow someday farm animals- I know for a fact my family would judge me. My family, who openly admit and "don't care" about eating factory farmed animals. And honestly, that'll make me angry.
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I just want to find something to say that'll shut them up.

Unfortunately, shutting up people who are acting this way often requires being more rude than we wish to be. :(

I can't advise you on anything helpful, but I do want to reassure you that you're doing the right thing.
For me..I usually do the gutting/plucking and hubby does the actual killing part. Well these last 2 times he had hip issues and had been in bed close to 3 weeks so I butchered and dispatched using the broomstick method...it was quick and had to be done. I didn't feel bad about it..they had nice lives and were fed well. From now on I will do the killing part to...I feel completely capable.
I think it's crazy just how easy it is to kill a bird using the broomstick method, not to say that decapitation is hard but yesterday even my partner wasn't put off completely. I really do think it's a great method.
Just tell them it's all about healthy living.
Not trying to sound too harsh but if you saw them you'd see they're not really concerned with healthy eating. :duc I'll tell you what that meat was DELICIOUS, there wasn't much but what was there tasted divine.
Like what someone else already said, what you're doing is heaps more ethical than where those people likely source their meat. They have no right to speak or judge you

If I'm ever able to get over myself, learn how to fish, or maybe somehow someday farm animals- I know for a fact my family would judge me. My family, who openly admit and "don't care" about eating factory farmed animals. And honestly, that'll make me angry.
I've tried to explain about how supermarket chickens are really raised and about the specific breeds they use but they're so damn disconnected they found it hilarious. How crazy to think they're happy to eat pork chops and chicken tenders but don't even realise where they're from!!

I'm sure it's one of the reasons my family have pushed me so far aside, they disagree with where I live and how I choose to live. My kids aren't complaining, they absolutely love it so I try to think about that instead.
Unfortunately, shutting up people who are acting this way often requires being more rude than we wish to be. :(

I can't advise you on anything helpful, but I do want to reassure you that you're doing the right thing.
You're spot on really, thank you for the reassurance I appreciate it.
I might ask them 'would you like them? or can you suggest anything else I can do with the males?'
I bet they wouldn't have an answer to that, and it might help :idunno
I'll confess I tried this and their answers made me pretty upset/angry. I had to first explain why no one really wants cockerels and that everywhere around us cockerels are banned. They told me I should "secretly" keep the males so no one can see them, they claim the crows are not that loud, amazing how they can claim that with zero experience huh. They then suggested I give them away as pets or give them to a nearby farm for them to do as they like. (How's that different to me doing it you ask? I've no idea). But they often refer to me as a murderer in recent times.
I'm not a people person, so I'd likely volunteer that "I cared more for my chicken's opinions than theirs", smile, and walk away. At some point, they'll figure it out.
One of them claims she had chickens growing up so I really don't know if she's just trying to fit in or what because she confuses me the most lol. Her family owns dog kennels for the "last days" of the dog's lives and often have to put them down themselves too.. completely bizarre.

I work with children because I mostly despise adults, it's unfortunate they have to talk to me lol.
Don't ever talk about chickens with those outside the chicken fraternity (chicken cult club). They could not possibly understand. We're here to help :)
Simply put, I think you're spot on. They're too disconnected to truly understand my love for these birds I raise.
The first rule of chicken cult club.
Cough cough

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