Emu Chicks

Grassman 52

7 Years
Aug 2, 2012
Ludlow Mass
My Emu's are about 3 weeks old - today I noticed that a few of them have areas on their backs where their down is missing - some more then others. I will take some pics and post this morning.

They have been sharing the shed with 10 baby geese about the same age - they sleep together and all seem to get along - I have not seen any picking at each other.

In the Northeast we have had rain for the last week and they have not been outside.
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Your geese are most likely grooming your emus too much, my goose that lives with my emu did this to her back and made a bald spot about the size of a silver dollar.At first I didn't know why she had a bald spot, but then I caught the goose doing it when they would settle down together for the night. I had to put a little blob of vaseline on the bald spot so the goose would leave it alone and let it grow back.

You can see the bare patches on their backs and sides - I used "blue-coat" wound spray and covered all area's. I don't want to take any chances. I have already lost one chick - found it dead one morning in the shed (just by itself in the corner dead).

On the lighter side: it was fun watching the Emus running all over the place yesterday and a little gaggle of geese trying to keep up with them. The all got a great deal of exercise.
I've been working with my emu chick to teach it to be calm when I lift her from behind. She seems to be starting to understand the word settle which is what I say to her before I pick her up and when I set her down. She also likes for me to scratch her back and will lay down when I do that. www.pass-4sure.ws
Got to watch a wild chick doing a dawn spazzy dance around the plum tree. Uno is rapidly shifting to black-head phase.


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