Emu Hatch-a-long 2012

My temp has been around 97* F average - Some fluctuations up and down within limits.

Main thing I had to do was get the temp even throughout my incubator - I mounted two spot check with probes in water wigglers and made airflow diverters to get the proper air flow. The water wigglers tell you the temp inside the egg not the air temp. Three thermometers total - two spot checks top and bottom and one for the air temp mounted on the door in the middle - I keep all of these within 1 degree - the air temp on the door is 96.8F.

The Emu's farmers Handbook said to put the air diverters in so that all the eggs get proper airflow and oxygen - one of the biggest problems with cabinet incubators. I used the same setup on my second incubator that I use for ducks and geese and my hatch rates have gone way up. Both incubators are full

You can see the temp on the door 96.8 F humidity 40% 3 eggs on the bottom and 12 on each upper trays
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Kiril749 - How are the eggs doing? I have my brooder setup and just waiting for any action

Next weekend I will have 10 more hitting 50 days old and the following weekend 14 more.

I just want to see some of these eggs hatch
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Kiril749 - How are the eggs doing? I have my brooder setup and just waiting for any action :pop

Next weekend I will have 10 more hitting 50 days old and the following weekend 14 more.

I just want to see some of these eggs hatch:fl

Well I'm at day 49.......3 of my 4 eggs shake and roll every time I whistle. I thought I heard a faint chirp this morning but it was hard to hear because of the incubator fan. I'm going to check again tonight and actually put the egg to my ear. I can't freaking wait but I'm so nervous something will go wrong. Keeping my fingers crossed.....
I have been saying that my third egg sounded like a china plate, so I opened it up and it was infertile - now down to the two that are moving - day 51 and waiting
I will be giving updates. I just got home and no change. All 3 moving but not pups yet. I'm hoping by tomorrow......once they hatch I will be able to relax and enjoy them. I haven't set up the brooder yet because I'm superstitious like that. As soon as they pip then I'll get everything set up.
Oh, one other question while I'm pacing back and forth......does anyone know where and how much to DNA test the egg shells to confirm the chicks sex? I think if all 3 hatch I will do that.
I get mine done for $20 each at www.zoogendna.com I send them the whole shells once they are dry. It doesn't matter if they are broken cause I think they just want the dried blood in the inner membrane.
I take my eggs out of the incubator and do the tap/whistle test. You can then hear clearly if it chirps back at you
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