Emu nest found

I am not competent to make a suggestion, E.S.; but if you do decide to let the male incubate some eggs, a string of data on the process would be a cool thing.

I remain fascinated by the fact that the eggs hatch so close together, and was amazed to read (here) that the chicks commuicate before they leave the eggs!!

Supreme Emu
Last year I let Merlin sit the eggs until it was almost time to hatch. When I could feel them inside move or whistle.I removed them and brought them inside to the incubator to hatch....however Merlin is very good about me doing this, some males aren't....lol
E.H., may I ask the advantage of 'final-stage incubation'?

By hatching the eggs in the incubator/hatcher, the chicks bond and interact with their human counterparts, producing a much tamer/friendlier (pet) emu. In most cases, birds that are hatched and reared by the male emu tend to behave more like their wild counterparts, much more standofffish. Although there are exceptions, even the tamest male emu will often protect/defend the young from anything that he deems as a potential threat to the young, even its human owner, so the chicks often adapt the same fear/caution to humans that the male demonstrates.
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I can vouch for this ES, I bought an 1 year old pair of Rheas a few years ago, to mix with my own bred 10 Babies.
I could never go near this Pair, as they were reared in mass production 40+ all mixed ages, and some very lame...trampled on by older Rheas.

It's only the 4th year they actually accepted some bred or veggies, but I could never touch them, while my own Babies follow me around like a Dog and are so tame, always come in their house to see me, when I put food in.......not for the food, it's always there and yet...when visitors come, they run a mile, luckily not many lol.
Can't help nature, can we ?

Emus are quite different, they circle around me .....watching me....... a lovely feeling of security lol ...Emu males must be good teachers, after all they look sit for 2 months and then teach them eating etc.....Shame we can't take them on a lead...ha ha


The Emus were very gentle with the 2 Rhea chicks 6 months old, but showed them how to run, as if they didn't know this lol.


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