Emu pictures and stories.... post them here

Did people lose interest in emus in 2013, or is there a new thread that I am missing?
I will keep searching.
Hard to find for sure. There was a big want for them in the 90s. I still want them, and my DH finally agreed. Thats been at least 2 years ago and I have still not found anyone locally that keeps them.
Hard to find for sure. There was a big want for them in the 90s. I still want them, and my DH finally agreed. Thats been at least 2 years ago and I have still not found anyone locally that keeps them.

Have you ever considered purchasing eggs from a reputable breeder? Egg season is just about over for the year but some are still available. Mostly overpriced though. I would think emus that are with you from day one would be easier to keep mild mannered, but I really wouldn't know for sure. Chickens on the other hand sure can be tame when hand raised. I hope that you will be able to have some eventually. Due to where I live it's not possible. Maybe someday I will be able to get a few acres outside of the city : )

I'm still interested! I just got my first two this past week. A boy and girl with no names yet!
I've been disappointed with how little info seems to be available online, but BYC has been the most helpful of any site while preparing for these two.
Will post more pictures as they grow!
I got my two out of Monroe, WI - I'm not sure how far that is for you but it was an 8 hour drive for me, and 100% worth it. I picked them up in great health at 1 week old and was sent with enough feed to slowly transition to a new feed, as well as their own blanket. It was also not that much more $ than buying fertilized eggs!

I'm still interested! I just got my first two this past week. A boy and girl with no names yet!
I've been disappointed with how little info seems to be available online, but BYC has been the most helpful of any site while preparing for these two.
Will post more pictures as they grow!
They are sooooooo precious!

I got my two out of Monroe, WI - I'm not sure how far that is for you but it was an 8 hour drive for me, and 100% worth it. I picked them up in great health at 1 week old and was sent with enough feed to slowly transition to a new feed, as well as their own blanket. It was also not that much more $ than buying fertilized eggs!
I am in east central Indiana. Not far at all, for what you got! I have to agree, If I can find a breeder I want day old or at least less than a week. My issue is being able to leave the house, I take care of both my parents full time, they are mid 80s. DH will go and pick up if it can work with his schedule. Please PM me the breeders info, I would love to arrange something!
I'm glad you got a fair price on those cute babies. I hope you have lots of room for them to run and play. it's the only way that they will be strong and healthy.
I am on my 3rd Emu hatch now, unfortunately not for me. I'm in the city and am again hatching for someone that has the proper room for them. I hope yours do well an become happy members of your family. Good luck!
I'm still interested! I just got my first two this past week. A boy and girl with no names yet! I've been disappointed with how little info seems to be available online, but BYC has been the most helpful of any site while preparing for these two. Will post more pictures as they grow!
So so adorable!!! My eggs are on day 40 and I saw one wiggling today, so I am getting excited.
I am having a most difficult time trying to find a treat food that my Emu chicks like. They are 2&3 mo. Old. Would love to have something they crave.
Any ideas out there, ( Have tried raisins, grapes, Apple, squash, lettuce, oats, dog food, cat food.....
They eat their regular food but I am looking for a treat to help intiese them to follow me.

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