Entering ugly teenager stage!!


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
West Texas
We are getting there. The older ones are 2 weeks old today and some are getting alot of feathers fast. They aren't peeping anymore, it's more like chirping!! I'll post some pics tonight of my little darlings!! I just had to share the amazing changes I notice already in them in such a short time!
Yeah, they grow SOOO fast!! I was taking care of 3 batches of baby chicks at a Fall festival. Each batch was 2 weeks apart. The visitors were FLOORED when they saw how big the first ones were compared to the last. They also couldn't believe they start laying at 5 months. Enjoy your peeps!
(And don't forget the pics!)
I wish I would haev know how fast they mature before I got them. I have a friend who wated to take Easter pictures and then when he decided to come it was to late. Oh well!

I would love to see some pictures to see if they look as funky as mine.
lil'chickies :

We are getting there. The older ones are 2 weeks old today and some are getting alot of feathers fast. They aren't peeping anymore, it's more like chirping!! I'll post some pics tonight of my little darlings!! I just had to share the amazing changes I notice already in them in such a short time!

I'm so bad at waiting. We'll be watching for those pictures!
Mine are definitely hitting that awkward stage too! I have two Marans and a buff Orp that are 2 weeks old. I actually really like them at this stage- they're very curious and silly. And they like me a little bit now!
I'll post my pics in the morning. Too tired tonight! Ya'll pretty much know what I mean by this stage. It's just really amazing watching the changes they go through. I have a batch of one week old ones, so maybe I can get a pic of them side by side to show the differences. I'll get on it first thing in the morning, promise!

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