Epic FAIL treats......

I understand your pain.

I bought a bag of mixed bird seed that was mostly BOSS with some peanuts and millet mix in. I thought oh its BOSS they’ll love it. WRONG…they ate all the other seeds except for the BOSS. I thought well naturally I would have the only birds that didn’t eat BOSS. I read up on it here and a lot of people said to just keep offering it and eventually they would eat it. I did just that and they eventually started eating it.
Now Ive recently introduced oyster shell and they wont touch it!!! Ugh….. Ive created little spoiled monsters.

Almost x3. Mine will eat carrots in the coop, but not in the run. In the run, they act like they can't see the carrot!
My ducks act like I am trying to poison them if I put tomato in their run...well except for Shelley. She loves maters
The others look at her like she is crazy when she eats them
I posted here before that my girls liked everything I have given them, well today I was blown away by what they refused! I have been catching bugs and putting the hopping type bugs in grass for them to find and the worm/grub type insects in a pile of dirt for them to find, I thought it would teach them to hunt and scratch which it has. Today I couldn't find many grubs so I put the little pill/ roly poly bugs in the dirt, they thought I had lost my mind by their looks anyway. Their brooder bedding material is sand so now I guess there are about 20 pill bugs in the brooder w/ them.
Off topic, I know:
Peel them and pop them into ziploc bags, then toss in the freezer. Thaw when you are ready to bake with them. It works best if you put them in baggies based on the number you use when you cook. (If you usually need 3 then bag up three per bag.)

Back on topic:
My coturnix quail seem to not know what to do with bread. That's right, BREAD. However, they will attack corn on the cob like it's the last food in the whole world.
Epic Fail Treats; Slugs. Any kind of raw squash (including pumpkins). Pumpkin seeds. Uncooked green beans.

Epicly AWESOME treats: Corn on the cob. Plain yogurt mixed with anything, especially cornmeal or oatmeal. Tomatoes. Watermelon. BOSS. Earthworms. Ants and spiders and little fluttery bugs. Cherry Tomatoes. Blueberries, grapes, apple cores, applesauce. Peanut butter. OMG peanut butter. Talk about feeding frenzy!!

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