Escape from Akuto City ~RP~

(I'm guessing here....)
Leroyce approached an entrance to the city and saw a guard making his way towards him, quickly pulling out his ID that should let him in and out of the city. (?) He showed the guard and after a cursory glance, he let him through. He began to think as he walked down towards a spices shop, Did the guard know him somehow? He knew by experience that the guards usually checked thoroughly. His father had given him a few spices, mostly for his use, and Saffron, so he could sell whenever he needed money.
Ari and Bri went to their room and pretended to go to sleep. After being checked on by their parents they filled a bag and snuck out to go to find that girl again. They moved quietly, Ari bringing in clouds to block the moon as they walked along the streets to find Iona again
Ari led Bri along the side street to try to find the other girl they had met that day. Bri glanced to Leroyce then back to her sister as they moved along
Leroyce looked after them, wondering what they were doing. He thought about using his magic, just for a brief moment to follow them. He had developed a special trick that he seemed to be pretty good at. But after he checked his surroundings again, he saw quite a few places that camera's could/would be potentially hidden. He quickly dismissed the thought, but didn't really feel like openly following them either, though his eyes lingered on them curiously.
Iona ran fast, breathing hard, she heard guards shouting in the distance, she could feel the pound of their feet not to far behind her. She tripped falling to the ground and scraping her knees harshly, she turned around still on the ground and gasped. She was face to face with the end of a barrel to a gun. She whimpered, afraid of death, "sweet dreams, Iona." someone whispered.A gunshot sounded and she was surrounded in blood and then darkness.
Iona bolted upright her head hitting the card board and knocking it down. She gasped, sweat trickling down her fore head, She sighed in relief, grateful it was just a night mare. She stood up and walked to the front of the alleyway to see the clouds cover the moon causing to become darker outside. She just shrugged, not really caring and looked down the street to see a cat run across, but nothing else, so she turned around and started to slowly walk back toward her little cardboard house.
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Ari and Bri stopped to talk to each other.then started looking around again. They hadn't been able to find the girl, and were starting to get spooked thmselves from being out this late. Quietly they started back for home

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