Escape of the red chicken (pics included)


13 Years
May 1, 2011
I have three hens Scamper my BR, Nugget and Red are red stars.


This past week i have only been collecting eggs from Nugget and Scamper. So i thought Red was sick or something i've checked her over every day, she doesn't have anything wrong, she is perfectly fine.

I thought she just decided to take a vacation. But this morning while getting ready i heard one of the chickens going on about something. I opened my bathroom window (it over looks our deck and the coop is under the deck) and i see my dog sniffing aroung the telephone pole in our yard.
I called him and he comes back up on the deck and to the back door. (waiting for me to let him in) before i close the window i see my Red running out to the pole, why are you out?

So i went out to investigate... there Red is sitting next to the pole in the long grass laying her egg. But the thing is, i have a run attached to the coop and I let the hens out when i'm there to keep an eye on them. Red has found a way to get out, lay her egg, and get back in before i come out to feed them every morning!! Thats why i haven't foung Any of her eggs. so after she is done i check the spot and there they ALL are, silly hen.
Yay she isn't broken!!

I think she started doing this because my BR Scamper is starting to be a nest hog. Time for another nest i guess.




If she can get out then unwanted guests can get in. Sounds like you need to give the coop n run a really good look over and fix her escape route.

Your girls are pretty.
Starting today i'm going to rework the fencing and make sure it's down tight.

Luckly my dog is really good with the hens, but i still have to be home if i'm going to let them roam the yard!

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