Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Thunder was in big trouble last night and he knew it. I let him out and saw Betsy wandering, but she has done it before and he has never bothered her. So, after much debate (with myself) I decided I was being silly and left him out on his lead. About 30 mins later I hear a scuffle on the front porch between him and her. I run out, he runs in, I yell at him and whack him on the nose and sent him to his (My) room and bed. He lowered his head and away he went. He was quiet the whole evening, didn't bother me a bit. Colton came in a few hours later and Thunder picked up his leash and tried to follow Colton to ask him to let him out, but Colton wasn't paying attention. He finally came over to me with it and gently put it down. I asked him if he wanted out and he gave a small bark (not the all out bark he usually gives) so I told him to be good and let him out to potty again. He did his business, came back in and went right back to bed. He knew he was in deep doo doo! He asked Destiny to let him out this morning!

That is so cute!! He is a smarty pants isnt he?! Is Betsy ok?
Michelle.......Animals are sooo smart! I swear sometimes I think Eddie knows exactly what we are saying!

Chickenchick....I will be sure and tell my peeps it is your fault they are locked up!

I don't think I ever had a name brand pair of jeans growing up. We were poor too. I really don't remember thinking I was doing without. I do remember enving a girl I use to sit beside in 3rd grade. She had Keds in every color imaginable. I had one pair of sneakers and wore those til they were shot.
Good morning Michelle!!!! and Charmed and Chickenchick--Boyd if your looming in speedos-get changed first before

Good Rainy Friday Morning!

Betsy is just fine, I thought she was limping a little, but she does that once in a while anyway with her bad leg. Yesterday she was doing fine, I thought she was going to jump in the car when I got home! She is not an over friendly turkey, but she has been warming up to us and following me around some. She runs to the front door when she hears me come out and always comes when I feed the cats. She doesn't eat any of it, but has to check it out. That may be my problem. The cats don't mind her so she isn't scared of anything. Then I let Thunder out and he isn't as tolerant of her.

Our little kitties are getting so fat! The one that looks like her, MJ, is normal kitten size. The 2 black ones are built like line backers! The have the broadest shoulders and the fattest bellies! She is good about letting us pick them up, but we try not to bother them too much so we don't upset her and she moves them. I will try to get pics this weekend. It is hard to take good pics of black kittens, let alone that they aren't really that cute before they get their eyes open, but these little fellers make you want to pick them up and squeeze them!
Good morning! Today is payday shopping in the "city" so I won't be around much. You all have a wonderful weekend!!

I am glad Betsy is ok. I am a little concerned about Rocky when the guineas are free ranging. He is VERY interested in them in the brooder. Every Time they flap and make some noise he jumps up on the couch. He is smart though and does listen when I say no. So hopefully I won't lose any while he is learning!

Kitty pictures would be great! I think I have a pregnant wild cat in the barn. We had all of our barn cats fixed last year. You should have been here for that circus! We hauled 9 cats to the "city" for the spay/neuter clinic. However when D and her BF brought Matty back he isn't fixed
Have fun in the city today!

I will try to get some pics this weekend. It seems like they just fattened overnight! They will be a week old tomorrow and seem to be doing just fine in their box on the porch. I was worried since she always birthed and raised them in the house, but she is doing great and the others seem to have respect and have left them alone. Of course, she can be one mean momma if someone messes with her babies!

What is everyone's plans for the weekend? I am relaxing and watching the draft tonight while hubby bbqs some ribs. We went out last night and watched most of it at the bar. Saturday is the draft again and then off to our self defense class. Not much going on, but that's okay. Typical housework to catch up on and hopefully getting the turkey pen built so they can move outside.

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