Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Thanks for all the hugs guys. I'm at work now (covering for my boss) and feeling a little calmer, although still kind of in shock over everything. I just keep thanking God that it wasn't my family, and then I feel guilty for being selfish, but I suppose that's normal. Hope you all are having a better day!
Kelly, I am glad you are feeling calmer. So sorry to hear about what happened. that is a lot to take at one time. don't feel guilty for being thankful.

Got to go to the feed store later. What fun.

Then, got to figure what I can accomplish today...

I'll pop in and out throughout the day.
Kelly any adorable baby goats yet?

Robin and Kelly Thanks for the congrats! I have to admit when Kelly brought this up I thought, it can;t be done. But between hubby and I we have lost 62 pounds, in 10 weeks. So thank you Kelly for doing that, you have changed our lives

Roz I hope your back is better today. I have never had back problems but my neck goes out once in a while, makes me worthless and cranky!

Tex I am sending more hugs and Prayers your way

Michelle did you think of something for the flea market? That would be fun. I will try to come up with an idea for you. Ducklings yet

NY I hope you are staying warm

I am sorry for the sad things going on in your life. It seems like when it rains it pours. Hang in there and make sure everyone in your life knows how much they mean to you

Today is our Christmas stroll and Raymond is working the carnival for the little kids. So we will go in and enjoy the festivities while he is working
Also it is F birthday so hopefully we will see him sometime today too. He is spending part of the day with his older sister.
Hi all
yah bigtime koodos chickenchick--I started eating healthy about 1 week ago-OMG its hard...But I saw your 18lb loss and wanted to cry I was so happy for you-so I weighed myself today and Im down 2 lbs
just 1 week so If I lost 1-2 lbs a week Id be a happy camper it sounds ( to me) like a pathetic amount but then if you add that up thats 4-8 lbs a month and Id be the happiest person ever to drop 2olbs by Spring!! the holidays are gunna kill me

Michelle-any babies????

Rozzie what did I saw about the pills and doing nothing???

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