Ever talked to somebody like this...


Pigs DO Fly!!
10 Years
Apr 9, 2009
New Tripoli PA
US: You have our address wrong, and we are not getting the invoices you're sending.
Woman at other company: Is your address - - - Kutztown PA 19530?
US: NO! It's New Tripoli PA
Woman: Well, do you spell New Tripoli "k - u - t - z - t - o - w - n"?
Nooooo... It is spelled "n e w t r i p o l i"
Woman: oOOooh, ok.

Boy was that a conversation I hope to never have again, with anybody! It was just like
, but then I realized how funny this whole thing was
Wonder if she thought through that conversation after we hung up...
At first I wasn't sure if she was actually serious, but she was. I guess she was just reading the paper and listening to us saying new tripoli, and not actually paying attention to what she was asking... I hope! I've had days like that too, but nothing like that, that I can remember
That reminds me of the woman that called about meeting a construction site.

Her: I am here and it is a big place. Will there be signs or flags
Me: No - it is a dirt lot
Her: Where do I stand?
Me; Stand anywhere you want, we will find ya.
I often ask myself how people like this got the job in the first place. I mean seriously
If you think New Tripoli could possibly have a "K" or a "Z" in it then maybe you should be working at a job that does not require reading or writing.
Me on the phone with the DSL customer service at 1:30am.

Him: I'm checking to see if any outages have been reported for your area.
ME: ok
Him: We have one in Dallas, TX....is Texas close to Arkansas???
Me: Well, yeah, it's the next state over, but Dallas is 250 miles from here.

I about died laughing.
Funny thing was I was pleasently impressed that it sounded like he spoke English as a first language - here I was thinking I might have gotten someone in the US and then he says that! (heck, maybe he was American- you know how kids don't learn any geography these days)

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