Evergreen Creek Farms: Blog and updates! *Daily Updates*

Update: 10-26-13:
Sorry it's been awhile. I've been busier than I expected to be. So....the chicks....the Cochin bantam and Ameraucana bantam are both little cockerels and the d'Uccle is a little pullet
Progress: Project Miss Liz: She is making her way to be tamed, her squirming as improved a bit. I've starting taming her for show...It's going alright with that, although when I practiced showing the keel bone she shook mud from her feet onto my face -_- . Also, I'm not to happy, my chickens are voraciously going through food...
I've started making a fall photography session! I'm gonna include pics of nature and my animals. I'll keep you updated on how the session the going! :D
Here's a sneak peak:

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Update: 10-26-13: Sorry it's been awhile. I've been busier than I expected to be. So....the chicks....the Cochin bantam and Ameraucana bantam are both little cockerels and the d'Uccle is a little pullet :D . Progress: Project Miss Liz: She is making her way to be tamed, her squirming as improved a bit. I've starting taming her for show...It's going alright with that, although when I practiced showing the keel bone she shook mud from her feet onto my face -_- . Also, I'm not to happy, my chickens are voraciously going through food...:he I've started making a fall photography session! I'm gonna include pics of nature and my animals. I'll keep you updated on how the session the going! :D Here's a sneak peak: ~Brent
Awesome! :D
Hey Brent, I like reading your updates, but they are a bit short especially when nothing really is happening around your farm. Could you do updates every two or three days instead of every day? I would enjoy it more (more drama ;) ).

P.S Awesome (about your last update).
Thanks! :D

Hey Brent, I like reading your updates, but they are a bit short especially when nothing really is happening around your farm. Could you do updates every two or three days instead of every day? I would enjoy it more (more drama ;) ).

P.S Awesome (about your last update).
Okay, thanks for the advice :)

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