Evergreen Creek Farms: Blog and updates! *Daily Updates*

Update: 10-26-13:
Sorry it's been awhile. I've been busier than I expected to be. So....the chicks....the Cochin bantam and Ameraucana bantam are both little cockerels and the d'Uccle is a little pullet
Progress: Project Miss Liz: She is making her way to be tamed, her squirming as improved a bit. I've starting taming her for show...It's going alright with that, although when I practiced showing the keel bone she shook mud from her feet onto my face -_- . Also, I'm not to happy, my chickens are voraciously going through food...
I've started making a fall photography session! I'm gonna include pics of nature and my animals. I'll keep you updated on how the session the going! :D
Here's a sneak peak:

Awesome! Glad one of them is a hen :D
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Okay. Well I still started the fad. :p
Yeah :p
Update: 10-28-13:
Everything is going well, the chickens are just coming out of there molt so now they actually look like chickens, lol. I've been getting quiet a few eggs lately which is always great. The chicks, are doing well, all healthy. My Cochin Bantam chick, Odysseus has been so affection lately, he's so sweet! I've made much progress with the fall pics, I went around the neighborhood and took pics of peoples animals and nature, I took some really good photos! The chickens have been having to put up with this Northeaster windstorm coming through, they seem to be doing okay with it though. I'm still continuing to work with Liz on training and taming, and it's going alright. I've also started to work with my chicks on correct positioning when holding and practicing the basics of showing chickens. They all seem to be adapting well to the training and taming, which is great! Thanks for reading this update!

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