Everyone, post your best homemade chicken feed recipes!

Hey guys this is some good info. I'm really new to this since my disability won't allow to work anymore. I have really fell in love with my girls 15 red Sex Link 2 Leghorn and 1 RIR so far. Right now I have them on a mix of feather fixer and laying mash with Scratch in the afternoon and what ever yummy treat I can come up with once a day and I always try to make it healthy and not just something thrown together. I really want happy healthy girls so I appreciate any and all advice , tips , and recipes for a health strong flock.
I would like to make my own 16% layer chicken feed, any good recipes I should try first?
. I posted one recently. I use whole grain and a all poultry premix from ABC. But I also ferment each day two lbs of my own whole grain mix, and one lb each of an organic small grain layer (made by a farmer in our area who sells it bulk wholesale and has all the certifications and inspections for organic) and an organic crumble. Each bucket ferments 2 days, I reuse the liquid, add another pitcher of water and new grain. I add 1 tablespoon of the abc mineral mix before feeding per lb of my own grain mix (the others already have what they need in it) the whole thing doubles I. Weight during that two days, so my two lbs of dry grain turns into 4 so 4 tablespoons. The bag I get will do 1000 lbs, it was around $50. Everything included it's about .46 a lb.
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Found this one dont like the thought of corn oil
Found the ABC you mentioned ...newchickey




sounds good too
wish I would have found these recipes sooner
this sounds good to just mt opinion
How to Make Organic Chicken Feed

Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_5137841_make-organic-chicken-feed.html
and another
I have printed all these out too..... sounds good but I would leave out the corn and maybe give some before roosting time esp in the winter....
course yall old timers I mean experienced chicken owners might not agree LOL
thank all just wish could get the guy,, we know ,old time hand grinder borrow again >LOL
newchyickey I finally found ABC After I did a search "ADVANCED BIological CoNCEPTS"


i saw it mentioned on youtube... video.... but they want so much for shipping/ Plus they also make a soy replacement.. But only sell larger bags......
that size would last very longer longer than prob my lifetime. Plus would prob go bad , too...

IT IS A SHAME they dont sell smaller amts . Like say 20 lb or even 10 lb bags.. Then I prob would have ordered their PREMIX
Same way with Ferrell's large bags only
I called and told them that too......
One of the nice member here told me about McMrrays Hatchery selling 10 lb bags of premix.
Lady there said from "Bluestem" checked their site and bottom of one of their pages says "Ferrel's"

Found this site and this receipe sounds good.... But I wouldnt do the oyster to the recipe....I much like the idea of putting oyster shell in a seperate container.. same way with grit...

thanks again yall
My recipe is:

40% layer mash
15% mashed soybean
20% cracked corn
10% wheat
15% brown rice
And a little bit of grit
we only feed them bread soaked in goats milk intil bread is soggy and they go nuts for bread and I feed them fodder beds every week when the start to sprout it has lots of protein and the bread and milk lots of calcium everyday I get an egg from all of them even now in the winter and feed them rice from leftover lunch and mix it with cayenne pepper for egg production hope your chickens enjoy this and imsure there are lot more recipies from others
what is the garlic for does it have a health use?also I come frae Scotland and was wandering can I give porridge oats as part of their diet.
what is the garlic for does it have a health use?also I come frae Scotland and was wandering can I give porridge oats as part of their diet.

garlic should be given free choice only. it is natural antibiotic and will boost their immune system. but too much garlic can do more harm than help. porridge is good, they will love it.
garlic is the number 1 choice when making feed it can be mixed in the water and is good to kill worms or paracites I always use it in feed and water one of the best natural antibiotics for chickens
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