Everyone Post Your Pigeon Pics!!!!!

Most chicken scratch has cracked corn.

Some successful old timers used to feed it (the late Stanley Plona comes to mind), but if the cracked corn gets damp and mildews, it will result in lip cankers. While canker is not very dangerous to the adult birds, they will pass it to their young, who will develop large masses of it in their throat which eventually grow so large that it will strangle them before they leave the nest.

As a rule, you should probably avoid feeding anything with cracked corn for that reason. If you are feeding it because it's cheap, you are better off with just basic Poultry Wheat. (It will make their droppings a little soft though).
Where do I get poultry wheat? I've tried lots of different feeds with my pigeons, but I never know how much to give them! Their former owner gave them a fancy diet of corn, peas, wheat, milo, and lots of other stuff. We used to get feed from him, but then he suddenly had to move and so we got all of our pigeons free (he gave us a pair before that). I've tried only milo, chicken layer pellets, and chicken scratch since then. The former owner always told us how much to feed too.......he was going to show us how to train a kit, but then he moved. So, I'm just winging it right now!! lol
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cracked corn is higher than whole corn wheat there is two kinds white and red hard wheat which is the better of the two feed store should have wheat just ask may have to order or find a farmer that raises wheat I feed layer pellets for chickens to my pigeons less waste and complete diet go to the npausa.com site which is the national pigeon site there is lot info there
You can generally get wheat from any feed stores.

The egg pellets are fine for your breeders (but they will want more water).

They are totally unsuitable for tumblers or rollers that you intend to fly, even just rom the standpoint of protein and water intake.
west or cross I recomend different water one day you will find dead bird to deep and the sides are to high and water does not look clean
Beautiful birds, dirty water, sorry mate they deserve better - vet told me once that bird's water should be fit for human consumption - they should drink same water as us in other words... funny thing is that here in Zimbabwe, the municipality water is so dirty that most people boil the water before drinking it - vet said I should do same for the birds... luckily we have a borehole... you do have great taste in pigeons though, thanks for the pics!
my concern is the trough has to steep of sides for birds to get out if they become water soaked and cannt fly up on the top of the trough and drown birds will drink where ever they can most people give bath water and then dump it out so the birds don't drink soiled water just my thoughts and exp.

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