Evil Feed Store Guy

That reminds me that I better stock up on feed before chicks start showing up at the feed store. I am so weak.

You know, if they are on the list, you DH really has no choice. The list is the list.
And that my dear lady is exactly why I will have my friend pick up my chicken food when he gets his horse feed once per week. There is no way I am going in and hearing that cuteness and come home alone. Nope not happening and I know it. I am WEAK.

the last time it happened, I had 6 at home, 21 on order and came home with 5 australorps. why...they were so cute and so all alone and and and

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I know how ya'll feel. There must be a sign on my forehead that says all chickens apply here. The feed guy just hands me a box when we come in and he has chicks. I have no control.
mom'sfolly :

My feed store is more evil then yours. They have chicks year round, and they will piggy back orders onto theirs. EVIL EVIL EVIL

See, more than one Evil Feed Store Guy - they are twirling their moustache and waiting for us to fall in their trap. One 50# bag a month is not enough for him, he wants me to have to purchase all the levels! EEEK

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