Expanding flocks- timing vs seasons


12 Years
Aug 5, 2007
Piedmont area NC
Okay guys, you gotta chirp in here and give me your opinions, knowledge and experiences. I am planning to expand my flocks to raise eggs and chicks for sell on a small scale. What is the best time to start hatching/buying day old chicks? I have some eggs in the bator and looking at purchasing some day olds but am now concerned about prep for the winter. The guy I got my original flock from says his season runs from Nov to May so I figured that is a good time to start. Now I am hearing from two different hatcheries one of the bantam breeds I want to expand on is going out of season. That's okay as my big birds (BO's and thinking of adding GLW) are my primary focus at this point.
I would like to be starting in egg production in late spring but am now worried I will have trouble locating the birds I want and that wintering small chicks might be a problem.
Am I overthinking this???? Any Advice appreciated.
I don't think your overthinking it, and wish I could offer more experienced advice but, that will have to wait till next year from me.
In the mean time, I think you might have to consider houseing them in your house a bit longer to let them build up some fat before they went out in the cold, and then youl'd need to have a transition period for them to adjust from your warm house to the cold outdoors.

But like I said, i'm just a noob tossing out ideas.
I'm also willing to bet that someone comes along and says,"just toss em out there, thay'll be fine".

Since my post, my neighbor that raises game birds came by. I talked to him about it and he came up with an excellent solution. I have a concrete block workshop that can be easily turned into a nursery. Sometimes we just can not see the forest for the trees. So problem solved? NO, I just received an email from the hatchery that there will be no more BO's this season. I am hoping and praying that is not going to be the case with all of them.
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