Expensive, Highly sought after...

Tolbunt Polish
Frizzled Tolbunt Polish
Swedish Flower Hens
Creme Legbars
Red or Buff Sussex
White American Bresse
Blue Partridge Brahmas

there are others....
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Probably anything in the same area as the Asils are the hardest to come by and the most expensive.

I would think that any breed that is highly sought after will have a lot of breeders breeding a lot of birds to meet the demand. That brings the price down to the level of everything else.
I'm sorry but Greenfire Farms doesn't always have the rarest or most sought after, and a lot of their prices are way off. I for one got my Blue Partridge Brahma hen, like quite a few other people, for less than $20 from some hatching eggs.

Asils are indeed some very expensive examples though, same goes with other Orientals especially rare ones like Ga Don, Thais, etc. I've seen Thai stags sell for over $1,200 a piece.

They're actually not that sought after though.

The most well known, well sought for are Lavender, Blue Laced Red, and Chocolate colored breeds. Next comes Tolbunt colored Polish.

A lot of what Greenfire has, I rarely ever see or hear people drooling after, although some of their stuff of course is highly wanted and indeed only originally from Greenfire, such as Coronation Sussex. But some of it also comes from other sources that isn't imported. Silver/Gold/Buff Laced Brahmas, Pumpkin Hulseys, Shamos, French Marans, Polish . .
Would you mind sharing where you got your Blue Partridge Brahma eggs? I would love to have some!!

I'm sorry but Greenfire Farms doesn't always have the rarest or most sought after, and a lot of their prices are way off. I for one got my Blue Partridge Brahma hen, like quite a few other people, for less than $20 from some hatching eggs.

Asils are indeed some very expensive examples though, same goes with other Orientals especially rare ones like Ga Don, Thais, etc. I've seen Thai stags sell for over $1,200 a piece.

They're actually not that sought after though.

The most well known, well sought for are Lavender, Blue Laced Red, and Chocolate colored breeds. Next comes Tolbunt colored Polish.

A lot of what Greenfire has, I rarely ever see or hear people drooling after, although some of their stuff of course is highly wanted and indeed only originally from Greenfire, such as Coronation Sussex. But some of it also comes from other sources that isn't imported. Silver/Gold/Buff Laced Brahmas, Pumpkin Hulseys, Shamos, French Marans, Polish . .

I don't think "way off" even comes close. Greenfire's pricing illustrates P. T. Barmam's well known quote "There's a sucker born every minute".
Greenfire absorbs all the expense and risk of importing the birds, why shouldn't they charge a premium, considering almost every single one of their clients will turn around and sell chicks and eggs on their own, thus diluting Greenfire's own pool of prospective buyers exponentially.

It's good business sense. Supply and demand, yadda yadda yadda. I get tired of seeing folks talk smack about it.

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