Exposed bone, broken wing


May 5, 2022
This morning our great Pyrenees thought it'd be a great idea to show our 5-6 week old chicks how to have fun the Pyrenees way while I was off cleaning their waterers. He broke one of their wings. I had heard their cries and rushed out. I thought he had just chased them but I suppose he pyr-pawed one and broke her wing. I hadn't noticed because she held it well.
I left for the day, locking them up so they'd be safe.
I came home not to long ago to find that her wing is swollen, purple, and hanging weird.
I saw a lot on how to wrap it which is what I'm going to do soon, but I didn't see anything about antibiotics.
I have doxycycline and enrofloxacin(which is pretty much baytril) that I use to medicate my rats.
Should I medicate her to prevent infection while her wing heals?
Is there bone sticking out?

Photos may be helpful.

IF I felt that she needed an antibiotic, then I would use the Enrofloxacin (which IS Baytril:)).
No, there is no bone sticking out. I gave her a bit of Metcam to help with the swelling and pain for the night. I totally forgot to take pics so I did, much to her dismay, wake her up. Good thing I did because she managed to wriggle out of her bandages. I have a feeling that she's going to keep wriggling out of them.
You can see the discoloration in the broken wing, bruised and swollen.

Edit: Okay well correction... She woke me up at 5:30 screaming. She wriggled out of her bandages and fell into her broken wing then couldn't get up. When I helped her up I noticed that her feathers parted on top of her wing and it was greenish so I took a closer look.
I didn't look well enough the first time and missed something. I found a small bone sticking out the top.
Its a small piece, it looks like I could easily push it back in and flush it with a saline solution or rubbing alcohol then "redneck" it(I didn't know how else to phrase it) and super glue the wound shut. I'm not sure I should "redneck" it though.
I promise I'll post a pic of it soon, but for now I put her back in her quarantine cage to let her rest. She was getting really stressed and probably just wanted to lay back down


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The bone is that little tiny abnormality that I circled. I sprayed it down with an ungodly amount of vetracyn.
Should I just leave it be and let it heal on its own? I saw one post where they did just that but it was right at the joint of the wing


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I would not try to push it in and glue it closed, you risk infection.

I would go ahead and start the Baytril. What do you have? 10% or?

Keep the wound cleaned, if you have Chlorhexidine, I'd swab it daily with that. Apply some ointment (Original Neosporin) to the wound too.
As for wrapping, if she's wriggling out of it, then she may do more damage to the wing by struggling out of the wrapping, then by you just leaving it as is.
I would not try to push it in and glue it closed, you risk infection.

I would go ahead and start the Baytril. What do you have? 10% or?

Keep the wound cleaned, if you have Chlorhexidine, I'd swab it daily with that. Apply some ointment (Original Neosporin) to the wound too.
As for wrapping, if she's wriggling out of it, then she may do more damage to the wing by struggling out of the wrapping, then by you just leaving it as is.
Yeah I found another thread where someone didn't realize the bone stuck out and it healed fine so I left it alone. I have 10% and found how to dose it for her weight. I've also been giving her Metcam at night to help reduce swelling and pain.
I also thought about the same thing with the wriggling and stopped attempting to put the wrap on.
I've been spraying it with vetracyn because it's what I have for now. Where could I get Chlorhexidine?
I don't have original Neosporin because I'm allergic to an ingredient in it. Will a similar product work?
If not I'll try to make time to run to a store today.

And extra info: she's been eating and drinking great. I gave her some poultry cell and vitamins with electrolytes to help out in the healing process just a little.
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If you are allergic to neosporin, then I'd stick with the Vetericyn.
Chlorhexidine (Hibiclens) is found at stores like Walmart, but if you are keeping the wound cleaned with the Vetericyn, you may not need it.
Do keep her where flies can't get on the wound.

I hope she recovers quickly. Good move on starting the antibiotic. I think eating/drinking well sounds positive. Giving her poultry cell a couple of times a week won't hurt.

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