Extra large egg?

I have 2 hens (mix of Rhode Island Red and White Rock). One of the hens started laying last year around October and has consistently laid normal size eggs. The second hen started laying about a month ago and has been laying nothing but really big eggs. All single yolk. Any ideas why the difference? The hens are the same age.
They really are single yolk eggs ? they're huge! I guess she just a super Chicken:woot
It's cold here in Northern Ohio I have heated nestboxes and heated flooring my husband put in for the ducks so they don't get sore feet so they would rather sit in the snow goofy birds
Yes that's cold for sure. I'm in southern NE but I've been giving them some heat at 3 am on till daylight. My hubby wants me to leave it on 24hrs right now It's cold here this week single digits. We do have heated water system so that helps. Stay warm .
Yes that's cold for sure. I'm in southern NE but I've been giving them some heat at 3 am on till daylight. My hubby wants me to leave it on 24hrs right now It's cold here this week single digits. We do have heated water system so that helps. Stay warm .
The heated water system is the best I built mine my husband said it was silly to do he now says ok you were right it gets to single digits its cold 🥶 it's pretty warm in my coop though they're spoiled

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