Extreme couponing question

I haven't figured it out. Often when I find a coupon it turns out the store brand is cheaper anyway.... not always, but often.

There are certain things the store brand is not as good as the Brand item. Certain cereals for example like Pops and some cookies. Kids don't care but I do. One thing I noticed is the apple sauce packs. The store brand just adds more water. Not that I'd buy applesauce again.

Nothing can beat homemade though.
I have yet to find a grocery store that will double a coupon, with the exception of one in my region. The one store that did offer to double a coupon limited to one, and had a limit to the amount. I have to wonder why a person would want 5 years worth of diapers, if a person doesn't have a child.

I also doubt anyone of these people count in the cost of storage for the volume of their hoard either, or the cost of travel to and from the stores. The products are taking up space in their homes, that could often used in a more productive manner. I have also found that most products tend to have a pull date on them. Even bath soap will loose it's scent over time. Items like deodorant will loose it's effectiveness overtime also. It is difficult and expensive to provide an environment that allows a private party to store most things for extended periods of time.

That said, I do personally tend to buy for a year at a time. I have overtime, found that some items are much cheaper or on sale at specific times of the year, Right now the grocery stores have baking items at the lowest point of the year. So I stock up on things like flour, sugar, butter, and like items. I also watch for clearance sales after the sale or holiday. But I try to never buy more than can be used during the year.

But the best way to really save money is stay out of the store in the first place. If a person can get a great deal on something like deodorant, or bath soap, or toothpaste, they need to know that the homeless shelters are always in need.

PS, I do buy my bath soap from a maker on the Hawaiian Island. I usually buy enough that one time so that I maximize the shipping. I also watch for free shipping offers.
I'm visiting family and they have cable so I just watched two episodes of Extreme Couponing. Just where do these people get all these coupons?

Are they really saving all that money? Don't stores have limits on how many items they can buy?

I'm a heavy coupon user and I'm also very involved in the online coupon world. AND I personally know several of the people who have been on the Extreme Couponing show.

Many of the coupons for free products used on the show have been fraudulent coupons purchased from eBay. What the show doesn't reveal to you is how the show participants who have used these coupons have had to go back to the stores and reimburse them for coupons that the manufacturer's rejected because they were fake coupons.
I work at a large grocery store chain, it's huge in PA, OH, MD. (Great company to work for BTW) We double coupons up to 99¢, so if it's a 99¢ coupon, it's actually worth $1.98. If it's a $1 or more that's all it's worth. We also do have a limit to how many computer generated coupons can be used, d/t increased fraudulent sites & the like.

Anyway, I have some couponers that donate ALL of the stuff to charities. I find that inspiring.
I'm a heavy coupon user and I'm also very involved in the online coupon world. AND I personally know several of the people who have been on the Extreme Couponing show.

Many of the coupons for free products used on the show have been fraudulent coupons purchased from eBay. What the show doesn't reveal to you is how the show participants who have used these coupons have had to go back to the stores and reimburse them for coupons that the manufacturer's rejected because they were fake coupons.

I knew there had to be a catch. Cuz if we all did half as well as these people claim to do there would be a lot of Manufacturers going out of business. Not to mention not addressing the cost of buying coupons.
I've tried using coupon, but not to the extent that I'd go full blown in using my coupons. I don't do extreme couponing. It's not my thing. I only use coupons if I have them or if I want to. We are all looking to conserve money in these troubled times. Coupon cutting is one method to save cash on groceries and other items. But not every cent may be worth the cost of earning it. "Extreme Couponing," popularized by a cable TV show, can, for some, become a dark fixation. People end up losing control of payday loans when obsessed like that.
Thank you for this post.We are all looking to conserve money in these troubled times. Coupon cutting is one method to save cash on groceries and other items. But not every cent may be worth the cost of earning it. Extreme Couponing ,popularized by a cable TV show, can, for some, become a dark fixation. Coupons are a great resource for shoppers to save money, but it is important to make sure you play by the rules when scoring these discounts.

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