Eye closed eyelid yellow?

Thank you all so much for your answers! Today I put her out in my raised garden bed that is enclosed with fencing. I couldn't get her to drink the antibiotic water while she was in the crate. And she hadn't eaten a thing. So I put the antibiotic water in the same kind of watering dish I use in the run so she might see the similarity. Lo and behold she sipped away for half an hour. She still hasn't eaten anything though. But she is walking around. I also bought antibiotic eye ointment. Tomorrow is the farm vet. I hate to spend the money but I have to know what she has and how to keep it from spreading to the rest of my flock.
One of my speckled Sussex eye is closed. Her other eye seems fine but she is standing close to the fence with the good eye facing in toward the run. She can't get any of the treats I'm throwing because she can't see them. The other girls are chasing her away. How can I tell what's wrong?
The second photo is from above looking at the top of her head.
Has she taken any water recently? I like to hold a small drinker or cup up to the beak to give water. I would let her lie down on some bedding in a crate. Handling her and accidentally squeezing the crop can cause them to spit up crop contents and choke on them. I don’t know if that is what is happening, but just let her lie down. She could be dying, hard to know, but there is nothing you can do except make sure there is nothing inside her beak blocking her airway, or keep her nostrils clean. Sorry that she is worse.
Help! Her breathing is labored. She keeps trying to go to sleep which I think means dying cuz she's kind of collapsing to the side so I'm walking her around bouncing her. I cleaned her nostrils with a cotton ball. What else can I do?
Oh no! :hugs
Did she collapse while you were cleaning her nostrils? Did she have mucous coming from them or were they blocked?

She was drinking water on her own, any chance she aspirated fluid when she was picked up?
I don't think I would bounce her if she has a full crop or hold her if she's having trouble breathing. Put her down in a towel lined box or crate and see if she improves.
Oh no, I am so sorry. That seemed very sudden and I am sure upsetting. In Florida, you can take or send her to a couple of different state poultry labs if you would want to get a neceopsy to find out what was wrong, especially if it was something contagious. If you want a necropsy, she needs to be kept cold, not frozen in a plastic garbage bag.

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