Eye Drops for Ducks?


8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
I have a runt runner duckling that is like 3 weeks old. She has developed what looks like a pinkish-white goo in the corners of one of her eyes under the membrane. The goo is not coming to the surface. I have given her some warm water showers and have added antibiotics in the communal water for the last couple of days, but it does not seem to be helping. Does anyone know of any over-the-counter eye drops that would help?

I have a runt runner duckling that is like 3 weeks old. She has developed what looks like a pinkish-white goo in the corners of one of her eyes under the membrane. The goo is not coming to the surface. I have given her some warm water showers and have added antibiotics in the communal water for the last couple of days, but it does not seem to be helping. Does anyone know of any over-the-counter eye drops that would help?

You can get Terramycin eye ointment at most feed stores. also some saline water may help just wash her eyes out with it. . Veterycin spray can be sprayed in the eyes, they also make it for pink eye. I buy it a TSC. Sorry about your duckling, I hope she makes a quick recovery. I'd also put some poultry vitamins in her water to help boost her Immune system. Poultry Nutri Drench is a great one.
Ok, well I took a chance and ordered some Veterycin from Amazon. It should be here in a few days. Here is what her eye looks like. It does not seem to be causing her too much discomfort. I tried gently using a wet q-tip to see if I could clean it a little (she closed her eye)
. I have tried running cool water over it several times a day now. It does not seem to be getting better on its own. Click the photo for a bigger image.

It looks irritated I think till the veterycin gets there I'd try using some kind of saline eye wash on her. Don't ya hate it when they hurt. poor baby. How is she acting other wise? can you put her into a tub of warm water and see if she'll wash her own face?
She is acting fine. Running around, wagging her tail. Does not really seam to be in any pain. I know she probably can't see very well out of that one eye.

I do provide all the ducks a dog-dish full of water with Tetramycin to wash in in the morning and evening, and I try to make sure she gets to it first. I also remove the food for a little while so they don't turn the water into muck before they can all drink a bit of the antibiotic. Also, I have been taking the little one into the shower with me in the morning. She stands by my feet and gets lots of warm water pouring over her head and eye. Then she gets picked up and allowed to play/nibble at all the little jets of water for a couple minutes before we get out and get dried off. She is getting a bit spoiled here.
She is acting fine. Running around, wagging her tail. Does not really seam to be in any pain. I know she probably can't see very well out of that one eye.

I do provide all the ducks a dog-dish full of water with Tetramycin to wash in in the morning and evening, and I try to make sure she gets to it first. I also remove the food for a little while so they don't turn the water into muck before they can all drink a bit of the antibiotic. Also, I have been taking the little one into the shower with me in the morning. She stands by my feet and gets lots of warm water pouring over her head and eye. Then she gets picked up and allowed to play/nibble at all the little jets of water for a couple minutes before we get out and get dried off. She is getting a bit spoiled here.
Sounds like she is a bit spoiled but thats okay I love to spoil mine too. what I am referring to is giving her some swim time where she can swim around and really wash her face and eyes out. Why are you giving them an antibiotic in their water? I don't mean to sound like a know it all because believe me I AM not but they need a bowl deep enough to wash their faces in all the time. They can get specks of food, dust etc into their nares and eyes and need a way to wash it out. Have you seen the butter dishes where you cut a hole in the top just large enough for them to be able to stick their heads into to wash but can't climb into. They work extremely well with ducklings.
The dog bowl is filled with water in the morning and evening when I get home from work. The antibiotic has only been added over the last few days. They can get their whole head in the bowl. When I get home at night, the bowl is either empty or filled with food debris.

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