Eye swollen shut, conjunctivities?

May 26, 2018
Lafayette, La
Anyone know what this actually is? There are 3 chicks that have it (out of 15), was reading up and said to treat the entire flock with duramycin-10. However, I can not find it anywhere. We also have no vets that treat poultry around me.

Ideas/Identifications please and treatment.

Sorry you guys are facing this!

Any respiratory symptoms.. sneezing or wheezing? Any discharge from the eyes or nares (nostrils)? Where did they originally come from (hatchery or farm up the road, etc) and were they vaccinated for anything?

Possible mosquito bites, or fowl pox starting? It looks pretty bad. But not typically what I would expect from conjunctivitis, noting I've never actually experienced anything aside from pink eye in other children growing up and I'm also here to continue my learning journey. So, from your description it sounds like the eye is in the middle of that swelling.. not above or below it? Sorry, even though I'm zooming in, it's still hard (for me) to make anything out.

A few of the more informed peeps that MIGHT have some feed back.. @Wyorp Rock, @azygous, @Eggcessive?? TIA for your daily and continued support!

Hopeful for a solid answer and a speedy recovery! :fl
Sorry you guys are facing this!

Any respiratory symptoms.. sneezing or wheezing? Any discharge from the eyes or nares (nostrils)? Where did they originally come from (hatchery or farm up the road, etc) and were they vaccinated for anything?

Possible mosquito bites, or fowl pox starting? It looks pretty bad. But not typically what I would expect from conjunctivitis, noting I've never actually experienced anything aside from pink eye in other children growing up and I'm also here to continue my learning journey. So, from your description it sounds like the eye is in the middle of that swelling.. not above or below it? Sorry, even though I'm zooming in, it's still hard (for me) to make anything out.

A few of the more informed peeps that MIGHT have some feed back.. @Wyorp Rock, @azygous, @Eggcessive?? TIA for your daily and continued support!

Hopeful for a solid answer and a speedy recovery! :fl

I have not noticed any sneezing or wheezing, nor discharge from the eyes or nares.
They came from Meyer hatchery, yes vaccinated. This is the first time I had issues with chicks from them.

Could be mosquitos, I do see a bunch around the coop with how much rain we had, and I always see 5-10 on the eggs when I go to collect.

I did check for fowl pox but no indicator on any of the chickens.

As far as the swelling, I took a picture of the worst one, the other two have swelling around the eye, so I believe her eye is in the middle there. I will try to get more pictures.

As an informational piece, I have 9 mature chickens (around 1-1.5 years old), 8 hens 1 roo. They were integrated via the crate method, where you keep the chicks in a crate near the chickens for two weeks, and then integrated into the flock.
I have not seen any chickens attacking the chicks, but figured it might be of note.

This is only effecting 3 chicks that I can see. None of the bigger hens have any sort of problems. All three chicks are eating and drinking like normal.
The picture is not very clear, but it looks possibly like there is some fowl pox. Do you see scabs on the face, comb, or wattles? If it is pox, it lasts about a month, and there is no treatment. If the eyes are affected, I would clean them with saline, and apply either Terramycin eye ointment from the feed store, or plain Neosporin triple antibiotic ointment 2-3 times a day. Try not to disturb fowl pox scabs, since that may spread it.
Fowl pox is especially bad in tropical areas and the southern US. When birds have it, they are immune to it after they recover. There is a vaccine available online for chickens that have not been exposed. Make sure that hour birds can see food and water. Here are pictures and more info on fowl pox if that is what you think this is:
Just went through Coryza with two pullets. One had swollen eyes. A gentle push and pus came out. Look up Coryza on this forum. Pus needs to be removed and bird treated with Tylan 50.(TSC carries it.)

I can't say for sure this is what's happening, but it's worth exploring. Good luck.

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