*Eyes Of The Phoenix* A Wild Chicken RP

Name: Cave
Breed: EE
Sex: Hen
Any abnormal things: She's an escape artist
Life Story: (This hen is based off of my two hens, Cave I and Cave II. Her appearance will be after Cave I, who, made an appearance in a chicken book I tried writing once, called In the Cave.) Cave hatched under her mother and had a sister, and a few brothers. She often likes to escape things, and that started when she'd escape her mother's nest.
Flock- EmberFlock

Jay and Toad watched in silence, as Eerie made her way over to Fern. "I don't blame you Jay." Toad whispered, he looked down at Jay, her bright, sad, yellow eyes looked up at him. Her small perfect wattles, jiggled slightly backward when she lifted her head. "You should." She whispered miserably. Then she turned and made her way slowly to her burrow.
Name: Cave
Breed: EE
Sex: Hen
Any abnormal things: She's an escape artist
Life Story: (This hen is based off of my two hens, Cave I and Cave II. Her appearance will be after Cave I, who, made an appearance in a chicken book I tried writing once, called In the Cave.) Cave hatched under her mother and had a sister, and a few brothers. She often likes to escape things, and that started when she'd escape her mother's nest.
Flock- EmberFlock

Name: Cloud

Breed/appearance: All white, with black tail, legs, and tips of her comb. With a blueish tint to her eyes.

sex: female

lifestory: Born in a family of 12, she struggled to get the perfect amount of food. Which made her appearance smaller, even though she is a full grown hen. (Looks kinda like a bantam sebrite, but a little bigger). She is insecure about her size, and hates it when it is brought up.

Flock- EmberFlock
Fern and Eerie sat down in the soft grass at the edge of the clearing, talking quietly. As they did, Fern absentmindedly started arranging grass into a nest shape around her. Eerie nudged her.
“I hear you’re thinking of raising another batch now that the weather is warm. Based on what you’re doing right now…you’ve got the “broody feels,” don’t you?”

Fern sighed. “I always do. I was born to brood. I just don’t know if I’m completely ready to do it again this soon. I loved my first batch more than anything, but losing Twig was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. What if I lose another chick, Eerie?”

Eerie sighed. “Well…speaking from the zero brooding experience I have, I’d say…don’t be afraid to love. Be afraid to lose, sure, but…never be afraid to love.’’

(Can someone else’s character interact with them too?)

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