F.F.L Bird 'Interviews'



Premium Feather Member
Mar 19, 2020
South-Eastern Montana
So, I figured maybe this would be a fun thing to do. I'll be doing 'interviews' with both specific birds and a couple birds 'answering' general questions (like those QnAs that authors have that use characters to answer the questions)

So if anyone has a question (Or more), go ahead and comment them, (even if it's a silly one) and the birds at Fabulously Feathered Larks Farm will answer them.

Edited for spelling.
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Questions for layers:
Does it hurt to lay an egg?
For the "loungers" who take an hour to lay: What are you thinking about while you're lounging?

Questions for roos:
Who's your favorite girl? (C'mon, be truthful; I won't tell!)
What are you saying when you crow?

For anyone:
Do bugs really taste good? Really?
What do you think of the littles who just moved in?
Answers from hens:
Well, it kinda hurts a bit, BUT I JUST LAID AN EGG
"What came first, the chicken or the egg?" deep questions, ya know?

Answers from roosters:
Well, idk... they are all really hot...

Answers from everyone:
well, crickets are a delicacy in some human countries, so is that really a question?
OMG. They are so annoying. like, "how tall are you? why are your feathers shiny? have you ever eaten a butterfly?" it's sooo annoying!
Questions for layers:
Does it hurt to lay an egg?
For the "loungers" who take an hour to lay: What are you thinking about while you're lounging?

Questions for roos:
Who's your favorite girl? (C'mon, be truthful; I won't tell!)
What are you saying when you crow?

For anyone:
Do bugs really taste good? Really?
What do you think of the littles who just moved in?


Ew David: "When I crow, I'm saying 'I'm not that squeaky, and I don't sound like a girl. Stop laughing!"

Big Boy: "When I crow, I'm usually saying 'pay attention to meeee!"

Ambrose: "I love my girls equally. At least the ones these stumpy legs can climb on. My truest love, a stunning pheonix hen, went to my owner's friend for fair one year though after I may have been..... /too/ attention giving to her. But now I can hear her egg song down at the barn with that cocky Westeros."

Westeros: "I love my girls equally, sisters and daughters and new comers alike. Apart from that white weirdo. She's too weird, even for me."


Pugsly: "Well, ants and grass hoppers look really good, but I can't catch any. But everyone says moths are kinda dusty.

BB: "Egglaying gets easier as you get older. And, you didn't hear this from me, but when I was at fair, the hen in front of me just 'plop', laid an egg while being held in line for the show. Ha!"

Claire: "Hey now, Loafer is a strong word. Those XXL eggs we give ya are kinda hard to just pop out, ya know. As for new comers, if they're mine, they're fine. If not, I just want them to know their place and stay away until I've eaten my fill. /Then/ they can eat.
for hens:
what are you saying in the egg song?

for roostters:
do you know why you use spurs to mate?

Glenn: "What's mating?"

Juan Pablo: "we don't. Those are to show that we're the main male. They just get in the way sometimes when we're getting the job done."

Estrella: "Because it's a big egg! And Ambrose never pays any attention to me! And someone's in my box!!!"
Oh, I would never call a laying hen a loafer! I said "lounger" for the ones who like to sit for a (longish) while.


Claire: "I... I suppose you did. I'm sorry, it's just so hot here, we're all a little snappish. Should have seen What Strawberry did to our owners hand when he was candling her eggs."

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