Facebook Users......

I only do for games. Some of those people I never communicate with outside the games, others comment and post all the time on my profile. I've met some really nice people there....some creepy ones too, but it's pretty easy to get rid of them. I think FB gets a bad rap for the most part. If you are smart about it, like you should be regarding everything on the internet, it is a lot of fun meeting new people and catching up with old friends.
hee hee.. that is why I have a chicken in my avatar. I think most of the BYC peeps I have as friends on FB don't even really know it's me.
Facebook Rocks ^.^

i only Add BYC people or people i know from school ^.^
i used to only add friends and family but i have friends all over the world now because of farmville and treasure isle and some of the games and a few r byc members. the ones i don't know personally most times we just game together maybe 5 of them we chat online sometimes about the games and request specific gifts back and forth. some in germany and other countries r really sweet and talk to ya about where they live and it is neat to learn about their culture as well as them to learn about ours. sometimes it is hard to understand the translations but we work it out. i have met some really nice people on there, no creepy ones yet,lol.
I won't accept any random requests. I go by mutual friends. I friend family, friends and BYCers, I usually look to find old friends, or just people from school...actually went on a friending spree today lol. Sometimes I accept suggestions.....like one you sent Nupine
Pretty much only people I know..But I have a few people I havent met that also raise ducks...I have ignored a few requests from people I dont know...I am not on facebook to try to collect a huge number of friends...Just to stay in contact with friends.. -find people I have lost contact with over the years..and hopefully add a few new friends in the future... Mostly I write about my ducks on there...nothing very personal anyway - and I havent used my real name so people dont get me mixed up with people they knew...I used the name of two of my ducks...lol.
ONLY FRIENDS and Friends of friends if my Friends know them PERSONALLY. You join friends for games and the lay dormant until they have enough people then slam you with Trojans/Viruses.
There's one woman on FB, who shares 18 friends with me. I have no idea who she is. She did not grow up, in our town, did not attend school with any of my friends, but somehow seems to know them. I am scratching my head. Maybe she's the wife of someone we all know? I haven't asked anyone about her yet, but I think that might be it.

It's the weirdest thing to happen, yet.

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