Facepalm worthy chicken behaviors?


Aug 22, 2022
Have you ever had a moment where you couldn't help but facepalm yourself because of something your chicken/chickens were doing? I had an experience last night with our friendly buff orpington Rosemary.

I had leaned a large branch against the side of the fence of an poorly made extension for introducing chicks and goslings into the flock. It needs taken down sometime this week as it has fullfilled its purpose. However Rosemary got up on the branch and dropped down into the extended part and just kept running along the side of the run as all the other chickens were heading in for bed. At first she ignored me standing at the lowered fence calling for her but finally after about a minute she came over and let me pick her up and place her just outside. But then proceeded run along the down fencing until I called for her while standing by the coops big doors. Maybe it was to dark for her but I couldn't help but facepalm myself seeing her run up and down stopping short maybe 6 inches from the corner of the run to go back down and then come back up and to stop short again.
We also had a Brahma up on a 10 ft tree branch two days ago. It hangs low maybe 3-4 ft at the end and for some odd reason out of all the chickens the Brahmas who are supposed to be the less likely to fly up high enough found it to be a good place for itself. She eventually flew down but really I did not expect it to be a brahma of all our breeds. Wyandottes, buff orpingtons, australorps, easter eggers. Nope it just had to be the fluffier white and black ball of fluff sitting 10 ft in the air x.x
Another very odd behavior I've begun to notice. One of our barred rocks we have her tagged with a green tag. Often when she comes out to be around us maybe cause she thinks we have food. She comes running out and then starts doing this weird little hop and flap? I don't get it. What does that mean lol
Have you ever had a moment where you couldn't help but facepalm yourself because of something your chicken/chickens were doing? I had an experience last night with our friendly buff orpington Rosemary.

I had leaned a large branch against the side of the fence of an poorly made extension for introducing chicks and goslings into the flock. It needs taken down sometime this week as it has fullfilled its purpose. However Rosemary got up on the branch and dropped down into the extended part and just kept running along the side of the run as all the other chickens were heading in for bed. At first she ignored me standing at the lowered fence calling for her but finally after about a minute she came over and let me pick her up and place her just outside. But then proceeded run along the down fencing until I called for her while standing by the coops big doors. Maybe it was to dark for her but I couldn't help but facepalm myself seeing her run up and down stopping short maybe 6 inches from the corner of the run to go back down and then come back up and to stop short again.
Oh yes. Some of mine will be outside the run trying to come in. They'll run back and forth in a panic. They'll get really close to the open gate but then turn around and run back. 🙄
Not chicken behavior but facepalm worthy nonetheless. Yesterday our male and female geese played a round of chicken. Our male was next the house and across the driveway that circles the house sits our coop and our female suddenly came running with wings out from there and he went running the same way. They were heading for a crash course into each other and then our male turned and faceplanted instead of crashing into her. It was cute but also facepalm worthy.
Not so much facepalm worthy but annoyingly cute behavior. But our girl Rosemary needs to not be so close to me lol. Every single time I'm out there refilling food or refilling water or giving scraps/treats that girl comes up and she like grabs my shirt or she does this sort peck/rub against my pants/shorts. It doesn't exactly feel food but it reminds me of an dog trying give paw for a bite lol. And if I offer her food in my hand she doesnt even always eats it she'll just pick it up and drop it and do that until my hands has nothing in it before going back to my pants or shirt. Could she want picked up? I havn't tried that since I'm usually busy when she does it lol
Have you ever had a moment where you couldn't help but facepalm yourself because of something your chicken/chickens were doing? I had an experience last night with our friendly buff orpington Rosemary.

I had leaned a large branch against the side of the fence of an poorly made extension for introducing chicks and goslings into the flock. It needs taken down sometime this week as it has fullfilled its purpose. However Rosemary got up on the branch and dropped down into the extended part and just kept running along the side of the run as all the other chickens were heading in for bed. At first she ignored me standing at the lowered fence calling for her but finally after about a minute she came over and let me pick her up and place her just outside. But then proceeded run along the down fencing until I called for her while standing by the coops big doors. Maybe it was to dark for her but I couldn't help but facepalm myself seeing her run up and down stopping short maybe 6 inches from the corner of the run to go back down and then come back up and to stop short again.
What is facepalm???never heard of it?

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