Failed bumblefoot surgery

So glad to have found this recent thread. I had to give a bath to one of my poopy butted EEs a couple of weeks ago and was surprised to notice a bumblefoot type "scab" on the bottom of one of her feet. Since there was no inflammation, swelling or limping I decided to just keep an eye on it rather than treat something that didn't appear to be causing a problem. I had had no idea that the scab could be there without infection.
I know this is an old post, but what if the foot is swelled up and hen is limping but no black scab or plug? Is it still bumblefoot? If you click on my name you can read my post I just put up the other day. Could use all the help I can get. :( thanks
I am gonna attempt my first bumblefoot treatment I just wish my husband was not outta town for next 10 days, I noticed over a week ago she was not well so I took her to a quarantine area gave her Vet RX , then after a few days an oral antibiotic , also the first thing I did was worming the flock of 8 , she seemed to be recovering then after a day or two she was sick again she is eating well and drinking so last night I saw the bumble and knew well i just went and put probiotics as well as electrolytes in for her to drink I am going to soak foot first I see a scab much smaller than a pencil I am gonna soak it and take the scab off see what I have then antibiotic cream wrap and see tomorrow how it went, if anyone sees this and thinks my plan is not the best route I am gonna wait a cpl hours before attemting to remove scab (after soaking)

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