Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas


Not all of us....

Anyway, I agree with the $100/ pair. If you are willing to sell eggs? $50, but I may be too high. All I know is what I would be willing to pay, but unfortunately I will have to wait until more money comes in to get them!
Am I correct in thinking these are the only silver laced Brahmas in the world?
If so I think $100 per pair is much, much too cheap. You've put a lot of years into producing such beautiful birds. They're far too special to be virtually given away for $100 per pair. I'd have said considerably more.....say a few hundred USD per bird.
If there are eggs to be purchased, I also would be interested. They are gorgeous birds. Congratulations on your hard work and achieving such an ambitious goal in amazing fashion:)
With the $100 per pair I agree with it being cheap. I have paid $150 for a pair of white wyandotte bantams and those things are everywhere. I say maybe $100 each. Maybe start them at $100 a pair on eggbid, see how high they go.
Very true! But I was thinking big medicine was trying to keep his flock available for 4H kids and FFA kids. But yes, if they are the only ones, much higher prices definitely!

I mean good Lord! Think of what the Coronation Sussex are going for and there are people with the beginnings of their own flocks!
I would start high and go down if you need to. I would start, START, pricing a new color variety I had been developing for many years at $250 per trio, no less. I know there are many people out there that may not be able to afford that but I think at this stage in the game for you, your work is well worth that. Look what Paul Bradshaw is getting for trios of coronation Sussex, THOUSANDS! Do not sell yourself short. I would easily pay upwards of $500 or more if I felt the quality was worth it for really nice birds.

Good Luck
I would give $100/dozen for some eggs... if you PROMISE to pack them in the materials I send you first. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to, and be honored if you would entrust me with some of these FANTASTIC birds' eggs... please? You are amazing and you will never regret it if you let me try.
I would pay 50.00 for a breeding pair but how would I get them.....
I would want them only because I am a hobbyist that loves colorful big beautiful chickens and they are gorgeous!


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