Fair price for breeding stock? 20 yrs developing silver laced Brahmas

Wow, that's pretty amazing!
I just seen this thread and was in Ohio. I didn't see the birds but I wasn't looking for LF. I know some breeders work on birds and get them to really high quality and sale some of thier birds at a really low price just to get others breeding them to help get the variety going. The breeders also keep breeding a few of them so the variety doesn't go into the dumps. I know a breeder who has buff columbian wyandotts who just keeps them for that reason.
They are beautiful!

I've liked Brahma's since I started looking at the different breeds. But I'll tell you something I will never be satisfied with them unless I have a silver laced one. Haha so thanks!
Folks, I was there, I saw these babies in person! They are beautiful! I snapped a couple of my own pics, but forgot my camera in BeccaOh's car last night..

Still, they are GORGEOUS! I didn't take a pair home with me from Nationals, but I'm planning to get a pair or trio later if he's still offering them!

And big medicine is super nice and took time to discuss genetics and coloring with me and we talked about his BLR Brahmas, so I'm excitedly waiting for those!
So I'm sure everyone is wondering along with me.

How much did you end up selling them for?

I think you should put a pair or trio on eggbid and see what happens.

I have no doubts you could get $500-$1000 maybe more.

I think $100 is way to cheap. But thats just my opinon.

You could always offer a few cheaper birds to some BYC'ers for a special deal.
Did not take many, sold a few. Talked to a lot of people, overall, I think they were well recieved, alot of questions. A few maybe wondered about my sanity, but they were polite about it.

In hindsight I think I probably should have taken a pair or trio of old birds to demonstrate what these half grown (6 months+-) chicks would grow into. The cockerels especially look rough at this age, all legs and neck. I had pictures, but I think mature birds in the flesh would have gone a long way toward swaying some fence sitters.

I guess I will test the water on eggbid, bought some shipping boxes at the show. As for priceing at the show, I started with the survey suggested sum of $100 a bird $250 a trio. Although a pair left, headed toward the east coast, with a sweet little veteran Brahma breeder who lets say got a AARP discount.

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