Fake Brown egg ideas?

Alright, I'll bite. Switched to layer feed (16% protein) since all my pullets are laying, don't have a rooster, and the cost 2 months ago.
Does feeding an All Flock/Flock Feeder (20% protein) feed help eliminate and an "Egg Eater"? As that's not something I read about.

Going through the same thing you are. I've got one egg eater, and can't figure out which one it is. I switched to 20% all flock and keep OS in a separate bowl. Didn't stop my egg eater.
Why not just get rid of the egg eater?
Don't know which one or ones is/are doing it. Plus I'll find a work around as I'm not harvesting one for being an egg eater at this moment.
I would think it would be less about the color of the egg and more about the chicken that's laying it. Do you know if the brown layer is eating the egg?
Hadn't thought of it being a specific pullet or pullets that are being targeted. My 5 leghorns sleep in the coop with 1 ISA Brown and the other 5 sleep on a roost bar in the covered run. Might be a leghorn not liking to share the 3 nesting boxes. Might try curtains over the nesting boxes to block out light and reduce them being able to see the eggs (chickens cannot see in the dark). And as I stated above, not sure which on it is and doubt I could figure out who it is as I don't look at them as anything but livestock that I'm entrusted to care for; wife sees them as pets.
Don't know which one or ones is/are doing it. Plus I'll find a work around as I'm not harvesting one for being an egg eater at this moment.

Hadn't thought of it being a specific pullet or pullets that are being targeted. My 5 leghorns sleep in the coop with 1 ISA Brown and the other 5 sleep on a roost bar in the covered run. Might be a leghorn not liking to share the 3 nesting boxes. Might try curtains over the nesting boxes to block out light and reduce them being able to see the eggs (chickens cannot see in the dark). And as I stated above, not sure which on it is and doubt I could figure out who it is as I don't look at them as anything but livestock that I'm entrusted to care for; wife sees them as pets.
I never know who's laying the egg unless I catch them in action. That'll happen when there's a 100+.

But in the last decade I've caught a few egg eaters and it isn't all over the board. It's generally the same one or couple that are doing it. Unless they egg is broken by accident, I attribute it to them lacking something as opposed to breaking the egg for a nice treat. They don't seem to continue the behavior indefinitely.

Curtains could help. Worth a shot, anyway. With them being pullets, it could be that someone in there is just clumsy and will figure it out as she matures.
It's deliberate. Wife has found 2 that the top of the egg (short pointy part) was eaten. May go the way of 20% protein again and continue the oyster shell free choice like I've been doing.
If you wanted the high protein and high calcium in a single food, the feather fixer formulas provide layer-levels of calcium and 18-20% protein.

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