Fake smiles in photographs

Huh? Oh, I get it. That puckered, kiss me look, that most girls use, while taking their own picture?
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don't know if anyone mentioned it, but check out awkwardfamilyphotos.com

My daughter brought home the book from the library. It's hilarious!
You know... the pursed lips, self photo in the bathroom mirror..... no? Eh, it's off topic anyway.

Back to your original programming.....
lmao...duckface always cracks me up. Here's an example of it.


See the guy beside me? Duckface.

I fake smile all the time. I fake laugh too. People who know me well can tell the difference...no one else can.
To his defense, we had all been drinking in that photo...not that you can't tell by the guy wearing sunglasses...inside...at night...
To his defense, we had all been drinking in that photo...not that you can't tell by the guy wearing sunglasses...inside...at night...

Ok. He's got an excuse.
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The duckface doesn't bother me as much as the bathroom shots. Don't people have mirrors anywhere else in their home? Or - they could simply point the camera AT themselves in any other part of the house. Just sayin....

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