fall gardening


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2015
I live in northern KY close to Louisville what are good things to plant for a fall garden?
When do you get your first winter frost? What gardening zone are you in? Got lots of sun in your garden? If yes to the last question, you can add 1.5 - 3 gardening zones to your location by doing a fall/winter garden under a cold frame. The first layer of covering gives you 1.5 zones of warmth, and, if you put a second layer of plastic between the plants and the ground, you get an other 1.5 zones of protection. For me, in my zone 4, that means that I can plant greens (lettuce, chard, radish, parsley, kale, spinach and similar crops in a south facing hay bale cold frame (super easy to construct). It will grow slowly (because of the shorter day length, and changed angle of the sun) but allow me to harvest tender salads until Thanksgiving. (Normally, my growing season ends in Mid September) Then, the weather makes it impractical for me to access the cold frame until mid to late March. At that time, my greens are growing very well, and I can continue to enjoy salads until it's warm enough to plant without protection. Many of my neighbors don't plant until Memorial day. But, I can push the season b/c of my mulching and tunnel practices, and plant as early as April 7. There are some awesome charts on the net if you do a google search. Enter "succession planting" or "fall planting". Try this link.

Some of what does good in fall and after a bit of snow is :

Mizuna (mustard green)
Swiss chard

Last year I harvested turnips, carrots and beets until we had 2 or 3 snow falls. The ground wasn't completely frozen so I could still remove the snow and dig them up. The carrots were the sweetest and crunchiest I've ever had, it was a success!
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Thanks for all the helpful hints...think I'm gonna pass on fall gardening this year...too much going on

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