Fall Quilt Block Swap due October 15th

Good ideas! I may have to look around for plastic from a picture frame, didn't even think of that one. Maybe I can get these blocks done and sent early:)
My husband got me a dress form!!!!! I just got it in the mail today. I have always wanted one. I need to get her sized and padded then it is playtime!!! But tomorrow morning begins my work week, booooooo!
I just started another job this week. Right now it is only three days per week but that's fine with me, maybe I'll get sandwiches quilted this winter! You are very talented to be able to quilt, crochet and sew dresses.
Hello Ladies,

Are we all on target for this swap? we have one month to go. I am currently working on my second set I signed up for so I will be finished soon. I have every thing cut just have to put them together. Will work on them tonight. If anyone needs my address just PM me and I will gladly give it to you. My internet is messed up at the house so I will check in tomorrow as I am here at McD's. hopefully my internet will be up and working soon.
Have been working hard this weekend and have nearly finished. Mary has been to a fantastic quilt show in France and has just got back this evening.
Have also started putting the summer blocks together , pictures soon!
I have been on a great workshop today for machine quilting with a lady called Sheena Norquay, we worked so hard! She is giving a talk tomorrow morning so going back for more!
I have been sooooo good, I got my new dress form together sized and padded, but haven't made anything on it yet. I told myself I couldn't play w/ it until my blocks were finished.
On target- should finish soon and get them mailed. This pattern has really encouraged me to sit down and sew some of the half-square and quarter-square patterns that have caught my eye in the magazines. Even the small squares are easy to do and therefore get overlooked when I'm searching for a top to sew!
I have 10 more blocks to do but, my son (18 years old) broke his femur Sunday and I just brought him home from the hospital yesterday. So between that, work, and 4 gallon bags of beans to can, they are in waiting. But I will have them done before the 15th.

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