Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Welp, one egg in lockdown! :lau

These were eggs that got kicked out of the nest and I decided to put in. There are six of them, no idea if scovy or quacker. Been candling every evening since I had no idea how long the duck had been sitting before they were kicked out. This one is either *really* intensely shadowing or has internally pipped.

Can't wait to see what pops out!

Took the goslings for another walk today. They interacted with both daughters. Eldest DD is still not happy with me, she forbade me from getting geese. But she did smile at *them*. Not at me though. Man that kid holds a grudge!
Gathered some asparagus and wild garlic mustard greens today. Going to saute them in butter. Yum!

Also got a text from someone who had purchased some ducklings from me a couple of weeks ago. One of the ducklings was killed by a predator overnight and the remaining one is (understandably) very upset. She wanted to know if I had any others for sale to put with the now-single duckling. I'm glad they realized that the remaining one shouldn't be alone (I remember telling them at the sale, too).

So this afternoon, she is going to pick up two more. One that's the same age and another slightly older one. I sent her pictures and a price, and she actually transferred me more than I'd asked for! She really liked their looks, lol.

One is sort of buff, and the other is a very mismarked black Magpie. DD liked that last one, but due to being mismarked (and the fact I have many more properly marked ones) I knew it would probably have ended up in the freezer.
More gosling pics!



Noticed yesterday my oldest duck Coco was not there. And in retrospect, I realized I hadn't seen her in a few days. I feel kinda terrible about this.

She was an escape artist, always finding *some way* of getting out. I suspect this happened and she went to the water/swamp in the woods and probably got taken by a predator. It wouldn't be the first time...

I have three scovie drakes that I free-range during the day, until I can either cull them or sell them, due to my ratios being so off. They've been doing this for two weeks but Coco disappeared more recently than that. Thus why I think she went into the woods (the scovies stay close to the pen).

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