Sponsored Post Fan survey: 5 Reasons To Raise Backyard Chickens

Agree agree agree. I remember as a little child my grandparents had chickens, with a mean old rooster who would chase us, for my grandparents they were food and sustainability during impoverished times. Fast forward 35-40 years and now I have chickens and they definitely are all 5 of those reasons plus more. Wouldn’t change getting them for nothing, definitely the best investment I have ever made.
All 5 plus we do Cornish Cross for meat birds. I love knowing that I will at least have two groups of babies each year to cuddle and take care of. I can't just put them in a tractor/coop and leave them be because we are going to eat them. I give them belly rubs and love to watch them strut and play with each other. This is our first big group, we bought 12 then added 10 more a week later. They come a runnin' when they see the glint of shine off of my jewelry or clothes.
I agree with all five reasons given, of course. However I have Easter Eggers so I've also got a sixth!

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