Farm chatter

Nooooo. Cows were enough. Pleasssseee... :lol:
I'm still after a cow in a onesie. Would look HOT!
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We got to eat a farm raised turkey that a friend raised (we usually have dinner on thanksgiving together) two years ago. It was amazing!! Only they didn’t get all the feathers out so we spent a bit on that (we cooked it at our house) :lol:
I find feathers on store bought chickens 🤣 .
In all seriousness. What is this with cows and hats. I know it looks cool but seriously..?? :gig
Don't question it LOL
Has anyone ever had Cuckoo Marans?
That's farm chatter right?
I had one. She was such a nice girl. Layed about one egg a week, but it was always a double yolker.
She looks smashing. She also looks like she would rather eat toilet paper than get her picture taken
This is our steer, with his fashionable hat
View attachment 2426334
That is fantastic!

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